Saturday, November 3, 2012

GM Helped Bain Capital Profit By Giving Funding To Struggling Parts Supplier Owned By Investment Firm

Ms Liann
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3 seconds ago ( 5:41 PM)
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How nice. Huff-Po reporters have a budget for reading paywall articles not open to the public.

Now pay the $2.50 price to read the articles about the TAR HEELS TEA PARTY of August 2001, where ART POPE'S John Locke Institute (which shared office space with Charles Koch's Institute for Humane Studies) co-sponsored the Dick Armey CSE Citizens for a Sound Economy angry tea party protest throwing teabags around the State Capitol Bldg. David Koch was chief funder and C.Boyden Gray was chairman of the CSE that morphed in 2004-2005 into FREEDOMWORKS-CSE and AFP Americans for Koch Prosperity.

CSE operated the website and mirrored the pages on, as you can see for FREE on WAYBACK MACHINE.