Monday, November 12, 2012

Alaska's Methane Hydrate Resource Sparks Debate Over Energy And Climate Change

Ms Liann
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1 second ago ( 3:01 AM)
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A few simple basic facts that EVERYBODY needs to know and be able to recite whenever this topic pops up anywhere.

METHANE is the primary ingredient in Natural Gas. Ideally it would be 100% by there are other ingredients in small amounts.

METHANE is C-H4, one carbon atom joined to four hydrogen atoms.

Weighing is how we can compare items which may not be similar but need comparing. One "molecule" of CH4 has an atomic weight of (C=12, H=1) of 12+1+1+1+1 = 16.

When burned in air the resulting byproducts are CO2 plus H2O. C-O2 has atomic weight (12+16+16) = 44.

One TON of CH4, METHANE becomes 2.75 TONS of CARBON DIOXIDE, CO2.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. It absorbs infrared light, heat energy.
CH4 is also a greenhouse gas if unburned and released into the atmosphere. It breaks down Ozone in the Earth's Ozone Layer and lets in more solar rays which convert to infrared heat energy.

CH4 is 25 times more potent greenhouse gas than CO2, but both are Greenhouse gases.

One TON of coal is nearly pure carbon with some poisonous dirty pollution contaminants. A TON of pure Carbon coal converts to 3.6 TONS of CO2.

"Clean Natural Gas" with some escaping the wellhead and some burned could range from nearly as dirty as coal to much dirtier than coal depending on how much unburned gas gets through the fires or escapes the fractured rocks near wellhead.

Ms Liann
F&F Feedback Appreciated
1 second ago ( 3:08 AM)
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There is already 7 times more carbon fuels discovered and known located than is required to kill Planet Earth seven times over. Put another way, if we burn all the carbon fuels we already have we can kill SEVEN PLANET EARTHS.

It only takes increasing the ocean heat by two degrees hotter than 1998 when 60% of all corals came within two degrees of their heat death temperatures. GOOGLE: RECORD CORAL BLEACHING.

The corals are the nursery of the oceans producing 1/3 all life in the seas. The death of the corals will plunge 1/3rd of ocean life into extinction and crash the foodchains all over Earth.