Saxby Chambliss: 'I Care A Lot More About' America Than About Grover Norquist (VIDEO)
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That's why the CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES are returning on January 1, 2013.
Under the CLINTON RATES: Homes were affordable to many families, people paid their mortgages and did not default. House went up in value and home owners actually owed less on the mortgage than they could get by selling the house. People actually TRADED UP for better homes. 22,000,000 new people started jobs that didn't exist under prior presidents. The economy was booming, with new millionaires being created every single day. People could afford to buy new cars and had the money to buy gasoline to put in them.
WRECKER BUSH imposed the AMERICA DESTRUCTION TAX CUTS. People were thrown out of their homes onto the streets. Houses lost 40% of its value. People owed more on their mortgage than they could get if the sold the house. They couldn't even afford to trade DOWN to a cheaper house. 28,000,000 were tossed out of work on unemployment into poverty. Auto-companies were going bankrupt and banks were toppling left and right.
People would rather live well after paying their taxes than get an unemployment check. The villains of the GOP are always cutting the unemployment checks.
When Clinton ruled there was a boom economy, People could afford to buy homes to live in, and home values WENT UP. People owed less on their mortgages the the selling price on their home. 22,000,000 new jobs were filled with American Workers. The budget was balanced with more money coming in than going out, and there wer4e funds to pay down the debt.
When WRECKER BUSH put in his DESTROY AMERICA TAX CUTS people were tossed out of their homes and became renters, banks were crashing, the Auto companies needed bailouts, 28,000,000 went unemployed. People lost 40% of the value, selling price, of their homes and owe more then they can sell the property for.
DON'T BE GREEDY. EVERYBODY has to pay the PROSPERITY TAX RATES, not just the rich.
People would rather live well after paying their taxes then they would like to get unemployment checks and GOP keeps cutting unemployment checks in their usual cruel villainy
Don't be lured by the evil WRECKER BUSH philosophy.
LOW TAXES = America destroyed.
Prosperity taxes = the good life..