Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Mother's Day of Action to Protect Children From Gun Violence

You wrote: The AR-15 is a slightly crippled version of the M16 carried in war by Us infantry. A dongle turns it into an automatic weapon which operates like the M15, so that they look alike and act alike.

The Ar-15 as sold can shoot 100 bullets by somebody with quick trigger finger in less than 100 seconds. That's close enough to assault weapon as is needed to fit the description as assault weapon. The shooter at the Aurora, Colorado movie theater had a 100 round magazine, so this is not hypothetical. He shot and killed military active duty servicemen who are trained in saving their own lives under fire, so this is not hypothetical.

It is extremely insulting to pick nits over "assault weapon" definitions. The Ar-15 is used to mass murder and ASSAULT AMERICANS in very true and real circumstances. You don't own the definitions. WE use the definitions that conveys the truth and you use words to deceive.

If you walk into Safeway, you can't go to the pharmacy counter and buy morphine without any checks. Dangerous products have varying levels of security and barriers of easy of possession.

The VIN number of every car in America is traced from factory to scrapyard, so we could trace the serial numbers on guns through every owner. It was VIN numbers that solved the first time the World Trade Centers was attacked by terrorists. We use VIN numbers to solve crimes AFTER THE FACT, not to prevent them.
17 minutes ago eljefefx
Describe this magical "dongle", if you would please.
0 second ago Ms Liann
I'll do better than that and link you to a YouTube video of several such devices spewing fire at assault weapon rates of speed and volume. Want to empty a 30-round clip in less than ten seconds? Watch and drool...

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