Jeb Bush Slams Obama As 'Utter And Complete Failure'
This is a record of censorship of left viewpoints expressed as comments on as responses to articles and other readers views. I may not get my speech freely there, but you can see what they have deleted by coming over here how much censoring that Huffington Post does. Some articles may look liberal over there but the "moderators" are not moderates -- they are hard right radicals who censor out people who disagree with them, skewing the comments and falsifying the public dialog.
2 seconds ago ( 3:52 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The linked article above at the Washingtonian is a stinking pile of crap.
For the FIRST TIME IN HUMAN HISTORY any mainstream publication (Huffington Post) has admitted that CSE was promoting the USTEAPARTY.COM website as early as 2002, and that the TEA PARTY was not spontaneously generated in 2009.
Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe were sucking on cigarette money from the day they joined the Koch Industries-founded CSE, created in 1984.
The "Poison & Pollution" lobby operates under the Caesar-Senators Gambit. When 23 Senators stabbed Julius Caesar none of them individually could be blamed as THE assassin plunging in the fatal knife. They could each say "I had only a small part in that, and it was mostly others who did the deed -- I'm practically innocent".
Tobacco mafia was 30 years into a 50 year felony fraud RICO racketeering crime spree setting up endless front organizations by 1984 when the Koch CATO INSTITUTE and Koch CITIZENS FOR A SOUND ECONOMY became accomplices. The Koch Industries had it's own Poison and Pollution problems with govt, as did all Oily companies.
CSE didn't take money from tobacco incidentally to it's normal business -- it was set up and structured to perform tobacco company frauds as an AstroTurf fake grassroots operation.
Tobacco Company files became court evidence in two giant legal happenings of the 20th century. 30,000,000 documents, entire warehouses of documents, were subpoenaed and placed publicly online by court orders. CSE created the TEA PARTY using tobacco money on tobacco orders.
2 seconds ago ( 4:28 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
DICK ARMEY, 2001, CSE, TAR HEELS TEA PARTY, throwing tea bags around...,14388&dq=citizens-for-a-sound-economy+tea-party&hl=en
The Robesonian - Aug 1, 2001,64796&dq=citizens-for-a-sound-economy+tea-party&hl=en
Tax Hike Plan Draws Protest .Tar Heels... Star-News,3184554&dq=citizens-for-a-sound-economy+tea-party&hl=en
Protesters Gather To Fight Tax Hike At... Mount Airy News
1 second ago ( 1:09 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
DICK ARMEY, 2001, CSE, TAR HEELS TEA PARTY, throwing tea bags around...,14388&dq=citizens-for-a-sound-economy+tea-party&hl=en
The Robesonian - Aug 1, 2001,64796&dq=citizens-for-a-sound-economy+tea-party&hl=en
Tax Hike Plan Draws Protest .Tar Heels... Star-News,3184554&dq=citizens-for-a-sound-economy+tea-party&hl=en
Protesters Gather To Fight Tax Hike At... Mount Airy News
3 seconds ago ( 3:10 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Scalia dares argue against Homosexual Sodomy after hiking up his judicial robes at a Federalist Society Dinner and doing a public lap dance for the Koch Brothers as one dangles a $100,000 check to the Federalist Society in one hand and the other stuffs a $100,000 speaker's fees check in Scalia's panties on the other hand.
1 second ago ( 4:30 AM)
Next time Obama better send more than a TWEET!
That's the president's NUMBER ONE JOB.
Use tanks if you must, but stop these insurrections, by whatever force is required, which stripping American Citizens of the same rights of privacy in their wombs that you want in your phone bills!
American women's PRIVATE PARTS are not govt property and not govt business. Get your UNCONSTITUTIONAL JESUS AND JEHOVAH out of women's underpants.
1 second ago ( 8:13 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The reason to be PRO-ACTIVE is to cut down the time lag between the first alert and arrest.
Zazi was arrested two weeks after the first alert. He was in transit to his bombing target with all the bomb parts to be assembled at his destination. Had it taken a day or two longer he could have been blowing up the NYC subways instead of being in jail already.
NSA was the middle piece. First MI6 of the British Secret Service informed America of a known terrorist email address in Afghan. Then NSA watched that email address and identified a sender as Zazi inside the USA. The FBI then followed up and made the arrest.
In that case timesaving was vital.
The way that Zazi was identified was his email address and internet service provider and phone company were already in a google-like search engine filled by robot data collectors. No human eyes ever saw Zazi's info until he connected to a known terrorist website in a foreign country. A computer program sifted all the data on that email address and it's connections to promptly identify Zazi. It could easily have added days more time if that data was not already sitting in a secure NSA computer awaiting a search key.
Nobody's privacy was bothered by that data sitting in a search engine, not even Zazi. It wasn't until he crossed the line that his data got seen by human eyes.
3 seconds ago ( 4:15 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Tell it! Everybody who likes this article should comment even if somebody else said what you were going to say. It's important to speak up, and repeat the same message until they get it.
Abortion is a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT in all 50 states. Souls are a religious-based argument and a forbidden argument under separation of church and state.
Jehovah is the SUPREME ABORTIONIST BEING causing stillbirths and spontaneous abortions around the world since the beginning of time. You can't use Jehovah as an excuse to ban abortions -- if fact Jehovah doesn't even like kids, calling for babies smashed against walls, their heads bashed on the rocks.
◄ Psalm 137:9 ►
How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones Against the rock.
The God of the Bible has a habit of ordering the killing of children...
1 Samuel 15:2,3
2 This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt.3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy [a] everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.' "
Hosea 13:16
16 The people of Samaria must bear their guilt,
because they have rebelled against their God.
They will fall by the sword;
their little ones will be dashed to the ground,
their pregnant women ripped open."
4 minutes ago ( 4:50 PM)
It's a sad fact that other nations are having to step in to protect our liberties from our own government.
1 second ago ( 5:00 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Al Qaeda sympathizers keep saying that to stir up a civil war because they can't win any other way. The HATE-AMERICA crowd is hiding behind Gadsden Flags and calling themselves TEA PARTY PATRIOTS.
America WON WWII using censorship and information control techniques, and that's why you don't speak German today!
We punish traitors very severely here, bagger, don't you ever forget that.
1 second ago ( 7:20 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Snowden's only treason revealed was HIS OWN TREASON.
The Constitution has been amended 27 times. It's not easy and it's reserved for truly important matters. If you would like phone bill metadata added to the 4th Amendment, go for it, because it is not protected there right now and never was.
If you would like your SKYPE calls to 60 countries protected, amend the Constitution because that data is nowhere protected in the Constitution now.
Just because you think something OUGHT TO BE TRUE does not make it true.
Here's how govt acted in WWII...
1 second ago ( 9:50 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Did we ever have the FULL DISCUSSION on George Herbert Walker's role, as Director of the Hamburg-America Shipping Line, directing the SS ST LOUIS (named after Walker's hometown) to return the ship of refugees back to Europe? They made a movie of it "Voyage of the Dam.ned" but they never covered the role of the great grandpaw of the Bush Brothers, Wrecker and Jeb. There were 26 companies confiscated from Walker's son-in-law Prescott for TRADING WITH THE ENEMY. Who knows the full list of all 26? Should we discuss this FAMILY VALUES before electing this time?
2 seconds ago ( 9:11 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Tobacco Ganglord Rupert Murdoch was director of Philip Morris Tobacco Company for twelve years, from 1989 through the MASTER SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT of 1998. As a director of a corporation which used fraud to entice smokers to kill themselves with addictive drugs while enriching the racketeers, MURDOCH was personally making decisions to commit felony fraud across America. Some of the decisions that he made was to fund a tax-revolt against excise taxes called the TEA PARTY with the slogan "TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY".
The 46 States Attorneys General used subpoena power to yank documents out of the file cabinets of the tobacco companies. These documents showed a R.I.C.O. pattern of racketeering which was brought to the attention of Bill Clinton's Department of Justice. What before had been a civil lawsuit now became a criminal prosecution in 1998, ending in 2006 with a guilty verdict in the Federal Court of Judge Gladys Kessler.
Murdoch's criminal tobacco company was convicted while he was directing it to do the things that it did. Among those things was to create a fraudulent "grassroots" movement called the TEA PARTY.
The court evidence documents from the trials of the tobacco racketeers were ordered online for America to see by the lawsuit judges and the criminal court judge.
Links to these TEA PARTY FOUNDATION DOCUMENTS are helpfully provided here:
3 seconds ago ( 9:32 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
$70 million is chump change for Rupert Murdoch her ventriloquist. When Rupert Murdoch was director for the CONVICTED Organized Crime Philip Morris Tobacco Company Marlboroman Murdoch directed that the company spend $75 million on ads in his TV GUIDE property to advertise cigarettes to kids looking up showtimes for Sesame Street and Barney the Dinosaur.
Palin works for a crimelord who directed a (CONVICTED 2006) corporation to violate laws for the 12 years that he was Director on the Board of PM. DON Murdoch directed PM to spend the money on a Koch Front Group to create an Anti-Tax fraud called the TEA PARTY with the slogan "TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY". With Art Pope's "John Locke Foundation", the Koch-Citizens for a Sound Koch-Economy (CSE) raised a group of THUGS to go riot in the State Capital Building in North Carolina August 1, 2001. 600 THUGS made noise and threw tea bags around in the TAR HEELS TEA PARTY (google it). Notice the DATE: August 1, 2001. Wrecker Bush was a shiny new president, 9-11 had not happened yet, nobody ever heard of Barack Obama, and they had already taken all three branches of govt back.
2 seconds ago (11:36 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Corporations have smothered the Free Press. Bain Capital owns controlling interest of Clear Channel and thereby pays Lush Limbaugh for every word that comes out of his mouth. Tobacco dollars bought AOL, who bought Timw-Warner-CNN, then AOL bought Huffington Post. Tobacco stockholder and former member of the Board of Directors of Philip Morris Tobacco Company bought Fox, bought Wall Street Journal, bought NY Post Newspaper, bought 23 TV stations in major cities.
FREEDOM OF THE PRESS belongs to he who owns one. And that's the Citizen's United statement made by two Supremes who kissed Koch's ring after Koch donated $100,000 checks to the Federalist Society and the Federalist Society turned around and handed $100,000 checks to Scalia and Thomas for showing up and giving talks about how corporations are people too, my friend. Tea Party Co-Founder C. Boyden Gray co-founded the Federalist Society with the same RJ Reynolds Tobacco money that bought CNN, HuffPo.
4 hours ago VietVet2MARINESONS
Ms Liann,
Your r.e.m.o.v.e.d comment, had too much truth for H>> to stomach.
Therefore, zapped.
Still a great post.
Makes a lot of things that much clearer.
4 hours ago Ms Liann
4 hours ago VietVet2MARINESONS
That's the one.
How can I find/post mine?
I've got a ton that didn't make it to the "deleted comment" stage.
Liann TheLiann @LiannTheLiann
HuffingtonPost Censor Left Viewpoints:#MitchMcConnell:#CitizensUnited Amendment Is An '... …#Koch#Scalia#Thomas
OK, what do you expect from a blabbermouth corporatist media that published state secrets to Al Qaeda eyes? Of course they will attempt to paint their conduct as heroic and the govt's conduct as dastardly, no matter how hard they have to dig to find a compliant "expert".
EVERYBODY IS AN EXPERT ON THE CONSTITUTION. It is a contract BY US, FOR US, ABOUT US, and is meant to be understood in the plain language that it is written.
The 4th Amendment secures (1) PERSONS, (2) HOMES, (3) PAPERS and (4) EFFECTS, but only from UNREASONABLE SEARCHES and/or SEIZURES.
Making copies is not particularly a "Seizure" in the common sense of the word, which means to the general public a "taking" which deprives the owner of the possession and use of the seized physical object. ONLY PHYSICAL OBJECTS ARE CAPABLE OF BEING SEIZED.
Public highways are NOT PRIVATE. The police may freely tail a subject from 123 Some Street to 456 Other Street without a warrant. The same person's VOICE transiting from 123 Some Street to 456 Other Street is likewise traveling on a PUBLIC NETWORK, albeit one which is privately owned using bandwidth or monopolies granted by PUBLIC AUTHORITY.
There is no expectation of privacy using PUBLIC NETWORKS for the switching settings.
(1) The SWITCHES ARE NOT YOUR PROPERTY. You have no ownership portion of those switch setting.
(2) the billing (timing) computers are NOT YOUR PROPERTY. You have no ownership over that data.
(3) Current Copyright law issues a COPYRIGHT automatically on your phone bill the instant it issues from the printer, and that copyright is bestowed upon the PHONE COMPANY who can sue you in court if you publish copies of your phone bill.
To recap: Phone metadata is not PERSONS, not HOUSES, not PAPERS and not EFFECTS. The data is not your property and is on a public network and has no expectations of privacy.
The govt serves the warrant on the PHONE COMPANY, not on the CUSTOMERS. That ought to be a clue how the CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS operate in America.
1 second ago ( 3:26 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Freedom of the press belongs to he who owns one. Corporations owned and controlled by conservative billionaires own all the media. The trail of Huntington Post goes bought by AOL who bought Time-Warner-CNN using the tobacco fortunes of the Gray family of slave plantation history and RJ Reynolds Tobacco heirs trust funds. C. Boyden Gray of the Gray family was chairman of the David-Koch-Astroturf-Group CSE in 2001 when CSE test marketed the TAR HEELS TEA PARTY run by Dick Armey in August 2001 (ggogle it)!
So CNN, AOL, HUFFPO, TIME MAGAZINE, WARNER BROTHERS have all been in the clutches of the tea party puppeteers of BIG TOBACCO.
"Reporters" tell the party line and there are few investigators any more. More like PR flacks reading the press releases handed out by corporate friends of their paymaster overlords.
Super User · 283 Fans
Amazing that these compassionate conservatives make such remarks while wearing the crucifix around their necks.
2,322 Fans · F&F Feedback AppreciatedIn reply to: Marilyn Gott
Jesus was a rape-baby. Mary was slipped some kind of spirits roofie and Jehovah had his way with her limp body. Having sex with a BETROTHED WOMAN was a capital offense: both Mary and Jehovah are stoned to death for transgressing, and Jesus actually is contractually obligated to torture them in the burning fires of hell for all eternity!
1 second ago Ms Liann
Fox News Mogul former-Board Member of Philip Morris Tobacco Company killed, murdered, 400,000 Americans every year and participated in murdering 5,000,000 around the world each year directing a corporation CONVICTED of felony racketeering that funded the rise of the Tea Party.
Follow the money yourself...
0 second ago ( 6:05 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
RAPE-publicans strike again in their WAR AGAINST WOMEN.
Republicans for Rape - Hall of Fame
Days Without a GOP Rape Mention
The Republican Rape Advisory Chart | Alternet
2 seconds ago (10:42 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The ART POPE Plantation-State of North Carolina at work.
In 2001 Art Pope's John Locke Foundation co-sponsored a riot in this exact same State Capital Bldg with 600 goons posed as citizens who threw around TEA BAGS and called themselves "TAR HEELS TEA PARTY". The date was August 1, 2001. See the google links to news items of this event for yourself:,14388&dq=citizens-for-a-sound-economy+tea-party&hl=en
On the date that this TEA PARTY RIOT happened ART POPE's JOHN LOCKE FOUNDATION shared office space, shared secretary and office staff, shared phone lines and shared computer servers with CHARLES KOCH'S Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University.
The OTHER co-sponsor of the TAR HEELS TEA ASTROTURF was David Koch's CSE run by tobacco-heir C. Boyden Gray as chairman and presided over by Marlboroman Dick Armey.
7 minutes ago (12:01 PM)
How many arrests would've been made if this was a Tea Party "revolt"?
1 second ago (12:17 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
NONE. On August 1, 2001 ART POPE'S John Locke Foundation co-hosted a TAR HEELS TEA PARTY RIOT in the exact same state building throwing around tea bags and nobody was arrested. George WRECKER Bush was early in his first year, 9-11 had not happened, the banks had not been bailed out and they had already "TAKEN THEIR COUNTRY BACK".,14388&dq=citizens-for-a-sound-economy+tea-party&hl=en
Art Pope and David & Charles Koch were partners in this tobacco-funded astroturf event. Art Pope share office space for his personally-owned John Locke Foundation with Charles Koch's personally owned Insitute for Humane Studies. They shared office staff, they shared phone systems, they shared web servers. Co-Sponsoring the TAR HEELS TEA PARTY was David Koch's CSE run by the Dick Armey.
1 second ago ( 3:13 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Why doesn't HuffPost FIRE this writer...
QUOTE "At a time when most government agencies are coping with across-the-board spending cuts by furloughing workers and finding other savings, that conference has become the target of a report a Treasury inspector general plans to release next week."
It was 2010 dummy! Long before the "...time when most government agencies are coping with across-the-board spending cuts by furloughing workers..."
Can a person this far out of touch with reality, or even calendars be allowed to shame Huffington Post with incredibly inferior reporting of a non-scandal?
Does Jeb Bush even KNOW his family history?
Great Grandpa Samuel Bush was a Merchant of Death, lackey of the Oily Rockefellers, who bought Rockefeller's Remington Arms for the Army in WWI while sitting as president of Rockefeller's Buckeye Steel Castings Company. Jeb's other great grandpa, Bert Walker (who put the "Walker" in the middle name of two presidents) was a business partner with German Industrialist Fritz Thyssen. Walker was on the Boar of the Hamburg-America Shipping line that directed the SS St. Louis to take the Jewish refugees of the Voyage of the Damned back to Europe. Grandpa Prescott used to get drunk and beat his son GHW Poppy Bush because he hated himself for running 26 of Thyssen's businesses from NYC. Prescott used to sell Thyssen's coal to Auschwitz through the company incorporated in NYC called Silesia-American Company which controlled the Silesian Steel and Coal Company in Poland.