Friday, June 21, 2013

Mitch McConnell: Citizens United Amendment Is An 'Absurd Proposal'

Ms Liann
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Corporations have smothered the Free Press. Bain Capital owns controlling interest of Clear Channel and thereby pays Lush Limbaugh for every word that comes out of his mouth. Tobacco dollars bought AOL, who bought Timw-Warner-CNN, then AOL bought Huffington Post. Tobacco stockholder and former member of the Board of Directors of Philip Morris Tobacco Company bought Fox, bought Wall Street Journal, bought NY Post Newspaper, bought 23 TV stations in major cities.

FREEDOM OF THE PRESS belongs to he who owns one. And that's the Citizen's United statement made by two Supremes who kissed Koch's ring after Koch donated $100,000 checks to the Federalist Society and the Federalist Society turned around and handed $100,000 checks to Scalia and Thomas for showing up and giving talks about how corporations are people too, my friend. Tea Party Co-Founder C. Boyden Gray co-founded the Federalist Society with the same RJ Reynolds Tobacco money that bought CNN, HuffPo.

4 hours ago VietVet2MARINESONS
Ms Liann,

Your r.e.m.o.v.e.d comment, had too much truth for H>> to stomach.

Therefore, zapped.

Still a great post.

Makes a lot of things that much clearer.

4 hours ago VietVet2MARINESONS

That's the one.

How can I find/post mine?

I've got a ton that didn't make it to the "deleted comment" stage.