Rick Perry Decries 'Mob Rule' After Wendy Davis Filibuster
1 minute ago (12:33 AM)I am still not sure who would object that at 20 weeks, it's a baby, not a choice
1 second ago (12:44 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
There are NO BABIES IN WOMBS. A Baby breathes without an umbilical cord. A FETUS REQUIRES AN UMBILICAL CORD.
The Supreme Court has said until the fetus can forego the umbilical cord and survive outside the womb, it is NOT YOUR BUSINESS.
It is an act of FRAUD to misuse the loaded psychologically potent word BABY when you clearly mean a fetus. You are illegally attempting to steal from another person a right which is their PRIVATE PROPERTY by misusing language. FRAUD IS ILLEGAL IN ALL 50 STATES.
Jesus CONDEMNED people who spread falsehoods: John 8:44.
It is not a moral person who commits FRAUD.
Furthermore, Jehovah is the SUPREME ABORTIONIST BEING, terminating pregnancies in wombs with stillbirths and spontaneous abortions since time began. You can't even appeal to your deity for support of your ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL position.
Liann TheLiann