Intelligent design (ID) is a form of creationism promulgated by the Discovery Institute, a politically conservative think tank based in the United States.[1] The Institute defines it as the proposition that "certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection."[2] It is a contemporary adaptation of the traditional teleological argument for the existence of God, presented by its advocates as "an evidence-based scientific theory about life's origins" rather than "a religious-based idea".[3] All the leading proponents of intelligent design are associated with the Discovery Institute [n 1][4] and believe the designer to be the Christian deity.[n 2]
It has happened recently that Huffington Post has published several articles about RED STATES adopting "creationist" science curricula in public schools. The articles are written with no particular attention to the vast chasm between "christians" and the North- Korean-Ancestor-Worship Unification Church religion that has a superficial christian veneer and has supplanted "Jesus" with "Sun Myung Moon" as messiah. Unification "theology: is a trojan horse with an anti-christian core.
What the radical-right southern confederate states are doing is implementing a political takeover program designed by the Unification Church. The UC is a THEOCRATIC organization intent on overthrow of all local governments and establishing a state theology which empowers the US hierarchy at the top central controlling junta. There is no Constitutional Rights to Freedom of Religion in UC doctrine -- there is only compulsory membership in UC, with no opt-out.
There is NO FREEDOM OF RELIGION existing in the Unification Church plan.
"Creationism" is old-school bible thumpers wanting their opinions to be aired in schools. "Intelligent Design" is an indoctrination program crafted to facilitate recruitment of future members of the UC. The differences may seem subtle or none-existent to outsiders whom have not considered their life in a post North Korean-Designed Dictatorship planted on these shores.
A series of rebuttals and comments were posted, some allowed and some censored by Huffington Post.
Of the ones saved, here are the links and the texts below. It is offered as a method that I can just post links to HERE to save endless repetition of rebutting deceptive publication of the seemingly harmless slightly kooky version of RED STATE creationist cover story of a political takeover operation in progress in many states.
Ms Liann
Commented 5 days ago in Politics
“Sometimes there are ACTUAL CONSPIRACIES. Sun Myung Moon was sentenced to federal prison for FELONY money laundering, a historical record is kept of that. He HIMSELF said in hundreds of recorded speeches that he is the true ruler of the Earth and all govts must bow down to him. His followers created DISCOVERY INSTITUTE to carry out their MESSIAH's will. All of this is available online at he touch of a google, or "ASK SIRI" to go get the facts for you.
Conspiracies EXIST and that's why there are laws and LAWMEN in place to stop them.”
Ms Liann
Commented 6 days ago in Politics
“STOP LYING TO PEOPLE. Intelligent Design uses elements of "creationism" as a Trojan horse to get past christian censors, but it has a payload of Unification Church Theology to engineer a longterm strategy of the UC.
They are NOT SYNONYMS, not interchangeable, "Creationism" and "Intelligent Design". One is old school Judeo-Christianity defending it's historical turf, and the new guy is a skilled warrior intent on overthrowing your form of govt based of deceiving your children from school-age onwards. One hopes someday for the "2nd Coming" and the golden age of Christ the King, and the other knows that Jesus was overthrown by the founder of Unification Church whom has crafted an Asiatic ancestor-worship hybrid with a Korean man is the NEW MESSIAH.
Why don't you do some googling before posting your ignorance any further. Or are you a "convert" to UC?”
Ms Liann
Commented 6 days ago in Politics
“What you fail to understand is the UNIFICATION CHURCH is a POLITICAL MOVEMENT designed to enslave followers into a hierarchical top-down theocracy.
It is championed by the RED STATES because thgey too share a common POLITICAL IDEAL of enslaving people economically in a top-down hierarchy directed by Wall Street.
Where they meet in the middle is the UNIFICATION CHURCH newspaper subsidized by $2 BILLION of slave-furnished loot, the WASHINGTON TIMES, has provided a helpful platform for RED STATE POLITICIANS to make gains in exchange for implanting the INTELLIGENT DESIGN in captive classrooms.
It is not lowbrow kookery, but a well considered gambit to overthrow democracy.”
Ms Liann
Commented 6 days ago in Politics
“Intelligent Design is a carefully constructed piece of brainwash technology invented by an organization which spent five decades perfecting their recruitment tool to ambush unsuspecting christian-curious into succumbing to a theocratic-based political-theology, with the founder of the Unification Church at the pinnacle and his surviving family members channeling his afterlife wishes down to the peons and slaves.
It is not a part of mainstream Judeo-Christian beliefs, but a radical departure from them and anti their beliefs. It does not tolerate any "sectarian" beliefs or independence of worship. There is NO FREEDOM OF RELIGION in a Unification Church world.”
Ms Liann
Commented 6 days ago in Politics
“You are wrong and the judge was WRONG. "Creationism" is a broad-based belief in a created Young Earth, more or less 6,000 years old.
"Intelligent Design" is a Unification Church recruitment tool, a political thought-trap designed specifically to suck christian-leaning persons into the Asian-based Ancestor-Worship-christology of the Unification Church, which says that god FIRED Jesus as messiah and hired a better replacement. As such it is covered with pseudo-scientific trappings that mask it's intent and purpose as a POLITICAL THEOLOGY intent on recruiting drones to serve political directives from a theocracy.”
Ms Liann
Commented 6 days ago in Politics
“"Intelligent Design" is Unification Church Theology, not science, and it creates conversion materials to convert Christian Fundamentalists to the Ancestor-Worship of UC. Christians should hate UC's "Intelligunt Desine" more than atheists because it is designed specifically to convert christian-leaning followers.”
Ms Liann
Commented 6 days ago in Politics
“It is NOT "creationism" which is taught in RED STATES. It is Unification Church Theology called "INTELLIGENT DESIGN"
Intelligent Design was "created" recently (less than 6,000 years young Earth theory) to keep children open to conversion to Unification Church. It was specifically created by the UC front operation called "Discovery Institute", which itself was created by a UC front operation called "Hudson Institute".
Because the Unification Church theology requires a "Young Earth" recently created with a clear enumeration of succession of "begats" from Adam & Eve, any OLD EARTH billions of years of life evolving clashes with, and undermines, the biblical story used & abused by the UC.”
Creationists May Be Helping To Choose Biology Textbooks In Texas
Commented Aug 7, 2013 at 02:42:24 in Politics
“Unification Church (Moonies) "Intelligent Design" Trojan Horse
Intelligent design (ID) is a form of creationism promulgated by the Discovery Institute, a politically conservative think tank based in the United States.[1] The Institute defines it as the proposition that "certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection."[2] It is a contemporary adaptation of the traditional teleological argument for the existence of God, presented by its advocates as "an evidence-based scientific theory about life's origins" rather than "a religious-based idea".[3] All the leading proponents of intelligent design are associated with the Discovery Institute [n 1][4] and believe the designer to be the Christian deity.[n 2]
Liann TheLiann @LiannTheLiann
#UnificationChurch #Moonies #IntelligentDesign# … #RickPerry #Texas #Creationism #Louisiana #BobbyJindal #GOP
11:38 PM - 6 Aug 13”
The modern form of creationism is anti-christian doctrine created on command of the North-Korean invented Unification Church. "Intelligent Design" is an Asian Ancestor Worship religion that chooses elements from the Judeo-Christian Bible to sucker people away from the European religions to the Asian hybrid. As such, the Unification Religion is more like the BORG: you will be assimilated, resistance is futile. There is NO FREEDOM OF RELIGION ALLOWED in a Unification Theocracy. Non-believers will be liquidated. Gays will be shot as "dung-eating dogs" says their spiritual master. But not just gays, anybody who does not accept Moonism would go the same way.