Thursday, June 30, 2011

Glenn Beck's Final Day On Fox, But The Work Continues

Glenn Beck's Final Day On Fox, But The Work Continues

0 minute ago (5:37 PM)
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What you never understand is there is no statute of limitation­s on murder. Rupert Murdoch, as Director of Philip Morris Serial Murder Tobacco Corporation, committed science frauds to dupe 400,000 Americans each year to continue killing themselves using a known highly-add­ictive lethal drug, and as Murdoch was also director of Koch-Broth­er's Cato Institute at the same time, lavishly paid science fraudsters to publicize their frauds. Murdoch has no choice but to use the BEST DEFENSE, which OFFENSE to stay ahead of the lethal injection. Koch Brothers have the same problem and need to raise their astroturf groups like Freedomwor­ks, Koch-Ameri­cans for Koch-Prosp­erity, and the National Federation of Tea Parties in order to run their threadmill ahead of the death penalty.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tobacco Mafia

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McDonnell, Perry at Koch summit

McDonnell, Perry at Koch summit

default avatar for user Liann
Member Since: Nov. 11, 2010
Location: NA
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Last Visited: Jun. 29, 2011 - 5:26 PM EST
Jun. 29, 2011 - 5:26 PM EST
The Koch brothers KILLED Danielle Dawn Smalley and her boyfriend, a jury found in a US court, and awarded the Smalley familly $293,000,000.00 judgement against the KILLER KOCH BROTHERS.

A Federal court found that the Koch Brothers stole oil from Indian lands "literally million of times" and fined them over $1,000,000.

Koch Brothers paid $30,000,000 CRIMINAL FINE for polluting land, water and air in six states, Plus another $5,000,000 in civil penalties. Add another $20,000,000 CRIMINAL FINE for losing a hundred tons of toxic cancer causing benzene in and around the bodies of the people of Corpus Christi, Texas.

Koch Brothers network of propaganda factories aided and abetted the R.I.C.O. FELONY FRAUD Tobacco Mafia to kill 400,000 Americans per year. Rupert Murdoch was director of the Koch Cato Institute, along with a vice president of Philip Morris Tobacco Company during the exact years that a federal court convicted Philip Morris of committing felony fraud and racketeering. The Racketeer Murdoch was directing Philip Morris at the time to place $75,000,000 ads per year in his TV guide product so kids could get attracted while looking up the schedule for Barney the Dinosaur. The Racketeers Koch provided luxury employment for Tobacco Mafia OPERATION WHITECOAT fraudsters, and laundered tobacco payoff money to science frauds.

Tell me again how many convictions and CRIMINAL fines Soros has?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rick Santorum To Glenn Beck: 'There Is No Such Thing As Global Warming,' 'Drill Everywhere' (VIDEO)

0 minute ago (8:46 PM)
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The Frothy Brown Mixture of Santorum denies that there is any such thing as the CO2 LASER, which operates on precisely the same scientific principles as Global Warming Theory. Google CO2 LASER to see if Santorum is a Frothy Brown Liar, and while you are there, GOOGLE SANTORUM.

Gay Marriage: The Issue Is Respect

Jason F
0 Fans
3 hours ago (5:49 PM)
Sorry, society will not accept your illness or abnormalit­ies as normal. Reality is, two men or two women raising some child is not normal. The mere fact that two men and two women can obtain these days an estrange child is not normal! So now we have one abnomralit­y of estranged children (who's parents abandonmen­t them or died) left in the hands of two men or two women who can't produce children of their own. Wonderful! We as America must be heading in the right direction now!

Yet here we are, homosexual­s screaming their heads off in wanting to be deemed "normal" by the normal heterosexu­al society. Sorry.... we heterosexu­als need to make a choice! And if we do, we need to be careful how it affects us and our future!
0 minute ago (8:27 PM)
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Parent post flagged as abusive. Humanity has had many parenting arrangemen­ts in the millions of years that humans have existed. Often communal upbringing was the norm, with neither the biological mother or biological father having particular parential duties towards their biological offspring after infancy. In Israel the Kibbutz model of communal raising the youth is still in use, and these people invented the fictional Bible you are hooked on. The ILLNESS is not homosexual­ity, but delusions about confirmed reality of anthropolo­gical and paleo-anth­ropologica­l sciences. HuffPo should not be giving your insults and deranged writings a platform.

Jason F
0 Fans
3 hours ago (5:49 PM)
So now I am no longer free! And the majority of society who are heterosexu­als are no longer free! As long as the homosexual­s can "feel" good about themselves­, I guess then the world is at peace.

Now you have two grown men or two grown women who want to raise kids that they can't produce? And they still want society to think of them as normal? I suppose two guys or two girls are still figuring out to see if their parts are compatible­? Yeah, uhh, this is normal. Animals seem to get it! I just don't see two male dogs mating. I see, because to nature it's NOT NORMAL. Ohh, but all you heterosexu­als should be made to feel bad about the abnormalit­ies of homosexual­s. We should just all accept homosexual­s as normal, because if we don't we are considered bad and unmoral people or even filled with evil. It's really pathetic! They scream diversity when diversity is a contradict­ion to what is of the same. Homosexual­s are not the same as heterosexu­als....end of story. And you can't live in two worlds where homosexual­s want what they want and heterosexu­als want what they want. And if you do, they certainly are not going to blend well.

Marriage equality for gays (homosexua­ls) as if they have the same normality of heterosexu­als. Yet no, homosexual­s can't accept and be happy with their civil unions. They have to call it "marriage" so they feel better about themselves­.
0 minute ago (8:31 PM)
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Dogs are biological­ly and by DNA wolves, whom in nature raise the young after weaning in a collective fashion and NEVER EVER EVER as simply two parent household so long as the pack survives. It's in their blood and genes. Plus most of the pack raising the young never breeds -- only the alphas, male & female apha, ever breed. So your arguments are false and fraudulent crafted to deceive and designed to injure and harm citizens by depriving them of equal rights. Your defective home-schoo­ling should not be making laws.
3 hours ago (5:48 PM)
We are heading in a direction where American society considers two males touching each others emm hmm are considered normal? Oh yeah, that's just real normal! So normal that real normal people are just supposed to shut up and stay quiet when reality is they are simply being squelched from what they really want to say or how they really think. In other words, normal people are loosing their freedoms to say what they want to say and what the majority of American society believes: which is you gays are NOT normal human beings and you don't fit in with heterosexu­als. Sorry! Ohh, and I am SORRY your feelings are hurt over this...get over it. So let's all create rules that heterosexu­als can't discrimina­te against those who are homosexual­s. In other words, lets squander and restrict the freedom that heterosexu­als should have in how they view homosexual­s in society: that homosexual­s are not normal! So now we have a bunch of American's who have the majority if thinking homosexual­s are not normal, but where now we have ridiculous rules where we simply can't speak the truth of what we truly believe. How is that any more normal or even healthy for heterosexu­als? It would be deemed as discrimina­tory if I tell a homosexual he/she is not normal.
0 minute ago (8:34 PM)
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You have said your HATER-OSEX­UAL statements three times in a row, so your claims of supression of speech are clearly lies intended to defraud certain citizens out of equal rights to do what you can do. This is hate speech clear and plainly. It is intended to be injurious and cause harm, to bully and cause fear, to insult and cause isolation.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Real Costs of Politicians' Obsession With Reproductive Rights

0 minute ago (6:03 PM)
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So why not DIRECTLY CHALLENGE the propositio­n that taxpayers can selectivel­y deny funding with tax dollars to legal activities which they disagree with, like birth control and abortion? Why not DIRECTLY stop paying for war in Afghanista­n, if you don't like it? I haven't flown since 1989, so why should I pay for TSA gropers or FAA air traffic controller­s? I haven't been to a National Park in many years, so why are my tax dollars going to Park Rangers or forest firefighte­rs? I don't own a boat so why should I pay for Coast Guard? Who the hell do these religious nuts think that they are?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Al Gore Is Wrong. Here's Why.

No. Brian Keane is wrong. Obama is asleep at the wheel on energy. We need a policy to retire ALL FORMS OF CARBON FUELS as soon as possible. There are four states burning today, one or two of them setting new records, spewing Carbon-Dioxide gas as a burn product, which is part of the self-acceleration mechanism of Global Warming. Climate change dehydrates continental interiors, which dessicates interior air, which contributes to wildfires, which adds to the speed of Global Warming.

Methane gas (Natural Gas) is not cleaner, as unburned molecules regularly go out the flue. Each molecule of methane in the upper atmosphere destroys ozone thereby producing 25 times the global warming effect of one molecule of CO2. All the methane which does burn becomes CO2.

We have seven times more fossil fuels needed to kill the Earth. We are not running out of fuels -- we are running out of environment which supports higher life.

The rooftops of American homes (100 million family residences x 2000 sq.ft. average floorplan) is 10% more than enough space to generate all the electrical production required presently to power the national grid. This is assuming low-efficiency 12 watts per sq.ft. polysilicon cheap photovoltaic panels with zero technical breakthroughs required.

A smartgrid with plug-in BEV vehicles (like the Chevy Volt) will store 4 times the daily PV production, buying and selling electrons than is needed daily by America by the power grid. Hydrogen fuel cells of a 60 kW car will power 60 homes for every hour that it has fuel.

Moving electrons is expensive -- it costs $1 megabuck per mile for transmission lines for the power grid, but trucks can move PV silicon wafers from the windfields in the Dakotas to where the power is needed very economically. Turning wind into PV silicon makes more sense than pumping electrons. There's no shortage of wind or PV in that scenario, and no shortage of storage with 100,000,000 American cars and light trucks storing 20 kW each.

A scientifically literate president would know all this, as would a scientifically literate Brian Keane. Go get a education before telling America to keep addicted to the fossil-fuel-heroin.

GOP Rep.: Gore could help Obama

default avatar for user Liann
Member Since: Nov. 11, 2010
Party: NA
Jun. 22, 2011 - 4:15 PM EST
Google CO2 Laser. If there is such a thing, if you can find one on the internet or local phone book, if you can order one on EBAY.COM, then Global Warming Science is sound, credible, reliable, trustworthy, and critics are idiots.

It is the exact same science principles which makes a CO2 laser function which makes Global Warming a real threat. What happens inside a CO2 laser is a highly concentrated example of what happens in Earth's atmosphere.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bristol Palin Slams Meghan, Cindy McCain In New Book 'Not Afraid Of Life' (VIDEO)

0 minute ago (1:33 PM)
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HarperColl­ins is RUPERT MURDOCH (Fox Newz, Wall Street Journal, Philip Morris Tobacco Mafia). When HarperColl­ins pays a giant advance to anybody, Rupert Murdoc is buying loyalty for all of his outlets and plans. Buying this girl is insurance to doubly buy Momma Gristle.

Murdoch HarperColl­ins also bought Senator Scott Brown for $700,000 advance for a book he hasn't written. The same guy who donated $1,000,000 visible, over the table (not counting under the table) to the GOP Governor's campaign that elected Scott of Wisconsin and Scott of Florida.
 Banned in Boston: Ad Holding Senator Scott Brown Accountable for Taking 1.9 Mill From Big Polluters

0 minute ago (1:18 PM)
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HarperColl­ins is RUPERT MURDOCH (Fox Newz, Wall Street Journal, Philip Morris Tobacco Mafia). Rupert Murdoch paid $700,000 to buy Scott Brown like he bought Sarah Palin. Book deals are bribe pass-throu­ghs money laundering­, plain and simple.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Apologetic Tracy Morgan visits homeless gay and transgender youth

By the CNN Wire Staff
June 17, 2011 5:43 p.m. EDT

Liann Now, if only CNN would apologize for giving a valuable gift of free airtime to hate groups like TONY PERKINS FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL.. It costs how many dollars per minute for Charmin toilet paper to buy airtime on CNN, how about charging FRC for the airtime? Why should CNN give easily proven liars a platform to spread their hate? What next, Holocaust-deniers get equal time so to be fair and balanced? THIS ONE FACT IS TRUE -- 1 in 4 girls are molested by age 16 by HATER-osexuals. The real danger comes from men raping girl children, not men on boys, and FRC and CNN both know that is true. If attacking children is reason to ban marriage, ban HATEROSEXUAL marriages because they do 50% more child molesting

State-Level Assaults On Abortion Rights (PHOTOS)

0 minute ago (5:56 PM)
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Get Uncle Sam out of women's underpants­. Get republican­s out of peeping up women's dresses. Get the fascist big govt out of the private parts of citizens -- they are called PRIVATE PARTS for a reason.

Life does NOT START AT CONCEPTION -- it started over a billion years ago and keeps on rolling. 100,000,00­0 sperm die for every ejaculatio­n and not every sperm deserves a name. A parasitic lump of flesh is a FETUS, NOT A BABY -- there's a lot more where that came from.

If god sends a pregnancy to the wrong womb by mistake, it's only proper to send it back for re-assignm­ent. That's the smart thing to do -- the stupid thing to do is keep it.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Do Tea Partiers love bailouts and crony capitalism?

The_Liann 0 minutes ago
The Koch-Tea-Party-Wing of the Repiglicans is dominated by whoever has the megaphone. That means the grassroots are the lawn stepped on by the well-heeled.

The "liberal media" is only as rich as the conservative billionaires that own it. They create an illusion of two sides in tug of war, but when push-comes-to-shove, only their pet ideas get coverage.

The Koch-Klux-Klan is in the strange position of railing against big govt and making huge handouts to Ethanol (red state millionaire farmers), selling subsidized desert water to Arizona cotton farming millionaires well below market rates, and giving  oilmen like Koch big fat checks from the govt as subsidies going to the richest men on the planet.

The two Koch Brother combined are only three places behind the richest man in the world, and the govt gives them checks each year as subsidy because they don't have enough money. Each Koch only had $4 BILLION when Dubya entered the White House, and now each Koch has $22 BILLION, and thanks to the Koch-Klux-Klan they will be moving up on the list no matter who is elected president. The Koch pawns will not permit reform that takes the vampire fangs out of the neck of America.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Santorum: ‘Any Doctor Who Performs an Abortion Should be Criminally Charged’

Liann says:
Life is continuous and all life that you see, human or not, began more than 1 billion years ago.

Sperm is not holy and 100,000,000 them die every ejaculation, whether or not that ejaculation leads to a pregnancy.

Fetuses are not even particularly holy — I cannot find one single repiglican who would give a tax exemption to a fetus, as if it was a real person. Not even Santorum was ever that crazy when he had a govt job.

A fetus is a parasitic lump of flesh until it can survive on it’s own, and there’s a lot more where that came from. If god makes a mistake and sends a pregnancy to the wrong destination, the smart choice is to send it back for reassignment.

Really that is a private religious choice of a woman, which Santorum is not so he doesn’t get any say in the matter, unless the pregnancy is in his private parts that is none of the govt’s business.

Really, Uncle Sam should keep out of women’s underwear unless invited, don’t you think? They call them PRIVATE PARTS for a reason repiggies.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Oscar Grant Shooting: Johannes Mehserle Released From Jail

0 minute ago (2:00 PM)
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Oscar Grant was a parolee high on the super-addi­ctive synthetic heroin FENTANYL. He engaged in a felony brawl with another parole of a competing drug gang, which lasted over several train stations on a moving train filled with bystanders including small children.

Had Mehserle not gotten confused under the chaos, the twice-conv­icted felon-paro­lee Oscar Grant would have been convicted of his third strike and received a life sentence in prison for the four felonies he is known to have committed that night, including violent felonies of resisting arrest.

Grant could not afford the addictive drug dictating his behaviors that night on his small beginner meatcutter­s salary of the first job he ever held in his life.

Grant was used to easy money selling drugs, not working a job to feed a costly addiction.

Grant is presented as family man, but he loved selling drugs and gang-bangi­ng more than he loved his daughter, whose mom he never married. He preferred prison to working as a meat cutter, and we still don't know how he afforded his FENTANY that was found in his blood that night -- he couldn't afford a daughter and an expensive addiction on his family-man starter salary.

Look up Fentanyl, so addictive it often is addicting upon the very first usage.

This family man loved his prison family more than his street family and was violent up to the last hour of his life.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kansas governor to attend Texas prayer rally

Texas and Arizona is being given a divine preview of hellfires, so why shouldn't Brownback go pray like the Texans do and get some of the same. Oh, I forgot, the tornado and floods are the answer to your prayers, or at least the insurance companies label them "Acts of God". I think it would be good for Red States to take a very low profile about god for a while, at least until after she gets finished publicly punishing them for their offenses. It's not seemly to pretend god loves you when you are being thrashed by god every evening on the news.

Is Texas Gov. Perry’s call to prayer constitutional?

Liann wrote:
American Family Association is a certifiable hate group. God already expressed how she feels about Texas -- it was named Hurricane Ike, or maybe the Great Wildfires of 2011. There were over 1,000 churches and synagogs destroyed by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita three weeks apart not long enough ago to be forgotten. Perry's association with hate groups will not pass unnoticed -- Paul Revere is ringing bells and firing shots in towns across America to warn the Tea-Klux-Klan that they ain't gonna take our Blackhawks and Apache helicopters with their pissant gun show macho pretend toughguy acts.

Church rep takes partial blame in Palin comments

The_Liann 0 minutes ago
The REVOLUTIONARY TEA PARTY was "patriots" engaged in lucrative tea smuggling on American ships, protesting a TAX CUT by the king, which would undersell them and spoil their market, putting them out of business (which was the King's intention, to put illegal smugglers out of business).

These Koch-pawns, neo Tea-Klux-Klan get everything of history wrong. America was invented without God in the govt -- they easily could have made a state religion but they chose not to. If they had, it would have been Masonic, because most of them were high degree masons, not particularly christian. Govt was mainly supposed to be SOCIALIST: collective paying of court salaries, collective paying the military, collective Coast Guard, collective Post Office, collective upkeep of the President and Congress.

The Revolution was fought on deficit spending -- they had no govt, no taxes, no revenues to pay the expenses of the army or shipping. They wrote contracts to pay later. That's the way the founders thought was best -- let the next generation pay for the many good things they will inherit -- why not, the freeloaders next generation could afford it? The constitution underlines contracts must be paid, but it does not necessarily enshrine capitalism as the default and mandatory system. Socialism is definitely allowed for, as well as other forms.

Read more:

Oscar Grant: Former Cop Mehserle To Be Released Monday

0 minute ago (12:53 AM)
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Oscar Grant was a parolee high on the addi­ctive synthetic heroin FENTANYL. He engaged in a felony brawl with another parole of a competing drug gang, which lasted over several train stations on a moving train filled with bystanders including small children. Grant could not afford the addictive drug dictating his behaviors that night on his small beginner meatcutter­­s salary of the first job he ever held in his life. Grant was used to easy money selling drugs, not working a job to feed a costly addiction. His state of mind was excluded from the trial by the judge, as was his trouble-ma­­ker history: resisting arrest and convicted felon with concealed firearm were the charges that caused his final conviction and parole. Grant had a court-prov­­en record of resisting arrest, and a court-prov­­en record of carrying a concealed weapon. He had the behaviors a criminal gets habituated to when normally carrying a concealed weapon, the arrogance, the furtive hand movements. The jury was not allowed to hear a word about who Grant actually was, what his normal behavior was. Instead grainy videos taken under florescent lights with low resolution phone cams was substitute­­d for well establishe­­d facts. Grant concealed his hands behind his body near his waistband resisting arrest violently as witnesses testified. No camera shows Grant's concealed hands coming visible until the flash of the gun with the bullet already under way. Mehserle was shaken, coming directly from a concealed handgun call at a nearby station.

Oscar Grant was a parolee high on the super-addictive synthetic heroin FENTANYL. He engaged in a felony brawl with another parole of a competing drug gang, which lasted over several train stations on a moving train filled with bystanders including small children.

Grant could not afford the addictive drug dictating his behaviors that night on his small beginner meatcutters salary of the first job he ever held in his life.

Grant was used to easy money selling drugs, not working a job to feed a costly addiction.

His state of mind was excluded from the trial by the judge, as was his trouble-maker history: resisting arrest and convicted felon with concealed firearm were the charges that caused his final conviction and parole. Grant had a court-proven record of resisting arrest, and a court-proven record of carrying a concealed weapon. He had the behaviors a criminal gets habituated to when normally carrying a concealed weapon, the arrogance, the furtive hand movements.

The jury was not allowed to hear a word about who Grant actually was, and what his normal behavior was. Instead grainy videos taken under florescent lights with low resolution phone cams was substituted for well established facts. Multiple cameras indeed. Grant concealed his hands behind his body near his waistband resisting arrest violently as witnesses testified. No camera shows Grant's concealed hands coming visible until the flash of the gun with the bullet already under way.

Mehserle was shaken coming from a concealed handgun call at a nearby station directly to this scene of a melee involving up to 20 people -- he had concealed handgun freshly in his mind. His partner loaned him the taser because Mehserle had not yet been issued one -- only about a third of BART police had tasers at that date.

Another camera shows Grant kneeing a male police officer before the final facedown. Grant is shown repeatedly attempting to knee the officer in the groin. The video was online for a long time. I haven't looked lately as it is an old case by now.

Because of the angry mob atmosphere, with an impending riot situation developing behind their backs, and a brawl actually recently  just stifled, the police never gave Oscar Grant any pat-down for concealed weapons, and had no way to know that he was not armed as he concealed his hands furtively behind his body.

Had Mehserle not gotten confused under the chaos, the twice-convicted felon-parolee Oscar Grant would have been convicted of his third strike and received a life sentence in prison for the four felonies he is known to have committed that night, including violent felonies of resisting arrest.

Grant is presented as family man, but he loved selling drugs and gang-banging more than he loved his daughter, whose mom he never married. He preferred prison to working as a meat cutter, and we still don't know how he afforded his FENTANY that was found in his blood that night -- he couldn't afford a daughter and an expensive addiction on his family-man starter salary.

Look up Fentanyl, so addictive it often is addicting upon the very first usage.

The history that wasn't allowed to be seen by his jury is online for you to find out. This family man loved his prison family more than his street family and was violent up to the last hour of his life.
Valentijn De Hingh, Transgender Model, Was Subject Of Nine-Year Documentary (PHOTOS)

I ain't no fortunate son.
05:45 AM on 6/11/2011
Things that make you go "hmmmm"
09:53 AM on 6/11/2011
fo sho...some people have such complicate­d lives. i'm glad i was born knowing just who i am.
0 minute ago (9:32 PM)
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So was she. Unfortunat­ely her body had some birth defects needing to be fixed. Looks like she came out of it in good shape, literally.

Rick Perry Assails Obama On Abortion

0 minute ago (8:36 PM)
I always find the embryonic stem cell debate intriguing­. From a scientific standpoint­, a human being comes into existence at conception­. there is no scientific moment after conception where the organism changes into anything else. It is a human being from that moment onward. Thus, it actually takes a leap faith to say it is merely a blob of cells. Scientific­ally speaking, we are all just a mass of cells.
0 minute ago (8:43 PM)
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From a scientific point of view, a human being is defined by society. Life is continuous from a scientific point of view -- each person has unbroken continuity going back more than one billion years. Science does not worship sperm and think each one of them deserves a name -- science realistica­lly knows that 100,000,00­0 sperm die every ejaculatio­n, and it is no big deal. It's also no big deal if a parasitic growth in a woman's uterus is removed in a clean medical room by trained medical profession­als -- there's a lot more where that came from.

Society does not give a tax exemption for a fetus. Society does not agree with you that a fetus lump of parasitic flesh is an independen­t human being yet. Medical science uses clear terminolog­y to distinguis­h a fetus from a baby, and knows that there is an actual medical scientific difference between the two.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Both Sides Of Transgender Bill Debate Speak Out

Measure Proposed By Assemblywoman Toni Atkins Would Amend State Non-Discrimination Laws

Uh, the Less-Govt crowd wants govt to give the freedom to discriminate by dresscode? How insane is that? The govt is getting in the business of forcing people to wear specific clothing? You know, clothing does not have a gender -- it's cotton or nylon or silk or polyester blend -- there's no sex to the cloth the clothing is made out of and it gains no sex when you cut it and sew it, and it still doesn't have any sex when you wear it.

What about FREEDOM to wear the cloth you choose so long as your naughty bits are covered? What about LIBERTY FOR ALL to buy something that is clean, well made and fits your body? How come every wacko church group suddenly gets to decide what hangs in your closet and what you put on in the morning? Heh? How'd they get so much power they never were supposed to have? Get BIG GOVT INTRUSION OUT OF MY CLOSET. Get GOVT out of my underwear! Get govt out of deciding what sex I am. It's none of your business. Go live your own life and get out of mine!
Today, 6:52:21 PM

Friday, June 10, 2011

Punchline Magazine On Tracy Morgan's Anti-Gay Rant: 'It's Time For Him To Shut The Hell Up'

0 minute ago (3:45 PM)
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Here's the deal. He said it because he thought it was funny and that his audience would laugh at it. A Tennesee audience of Tea-Klux-K­lanners probably loved it. But he was as hateful as a Klansman, feeding the group-thin­k that murder is cool if gays are the target. Blacks voted against Prop 8 (gay marriage in California­) 72%, yet blacks hate marriage for themselves­, with 72% of black kids living in single-par­ent households­. Blacks hating gays is socially OK in the black community and Morgan just represente­d the majority of blacks viewpoint. It was just hate speech, not comedy. Punishment is called for to publicly demonstrat­e that gay-bashin­g is a punishable crime. He can't skate free.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Republican KKK Candidate Is Running For Congress

The_Liann 0 minutes ago
You know, their heads are really shaped like that, which is why they wear those masks to hide their faces in shame that their parents are closely related.

Watching 'Teen Mom' Makes You More Likely to Support Abortion

The_Liann 0 minutes ago
"Correlation is not causation" = infamous conservative self-delusional slogan. People whom have seen teen moms (in person) and seen 16 and Pregnant (in person) are more pro-abortion rights than those who have their head up theirs.

It's MY TAX DOLLARS and I don't want a single penny to go to the military but every cent to go to free abortions. Too bad we don't live in a country where just because you believe something means that you don't have to pay a share of the real costs, eh?

At least we overthrew the old socialist Supreme Court where citizens shared the costs of supporting the judges -- now with this capitalist court, rich guys pay the majority of their income and get  the results that they paid for. When the Tea-Klux-Klan gets done, the court will be providing more low-wage unschooled workers for the rich guys and there won't be any pesky unions, pesky worker rights, or pesky rights of any kind.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sarah Palin's VIP Treatment Questioned By Democrat

0 minute ago (4:49 PM)
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This woman spent $3,000 to taxpayer money to have an electricia­n wire up a tanning bed for her, and coached her staff how to lie to the press about it (hmm, lying to press, Anthony Weiner, Repig outrage). Does anybody expect less. Her "PAC" is only supposed to be used for political electionee­ring purposes, yet she CLAIMED OUT OF HER OWN MOUTH, that this was a family vacation (hmmm John Edwards used political money for private purposes, repig outrage).

Friday, June 3, 2011

Tea Party: Drug Tests for Everyone!

0 minute ago (1:46 AM)
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The point is to make govt so obnoxious an intrusive that everybody annoyed by it joins the Tea Party which is, by definition against big govt intrusiven­ess.

Actually it's to make the sheeple more used to submitting­. When the govt of plutocrats decides that body cavity searches will be compulsory and the govt agent can use his sex organ to do the probing, you will finally understand that you got exactly what you voted for.

I welcome our new billionair­e overlords.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

At Gitmo, Back To The Future For Khalid Sheik Mohammed
By Andrew Cohen

The_Liann 0 minutes ago

Black_Knight writes: " I don't believe the Constitution is a suicide pact- the Constitution means whatever the people in power want it to mean."

Basically that is an ANARCHIST political position and anybody holding that position is an anarchist regardless of what other words they use to describe themselves. The "Constitution" is a "suicide pact" for the entity called "the United States of America". When the Constitution is no longer the standard of agreement, then the USA is dead as a political organization. There is no afterlife as a different USA, it is gone, dead, killed, murdered, finished, over, beyond resurrection.

The people originally signed onto a contract. Their descendents inherited the terms of the contract, both benefits and obligations. That contract is binding on each emerging new-born citizen. It has established behaviors defined with recorded precedents. Anyone can educate themselves on what the contract of the Constitution demands on them.

In 1945 the United States at Nuremburg demanded that the entire world accept international law on penalty of death. German criminals were tried in court and over 2,000 of them were executed by hanging for crimes. Records were kept of what behaviors were tolerated and what were cause for execution by hanging. This precedent became binding on all of the peoples of the world, including American citizens. Torture is a hanging offense, even for big shots and big wigs, even for conservatives, even for Republicans. There are no "ticking time bomb" exemptions or excuses. Break the law and you die. The US fought all of it's wars except Vietnam without resorting to torture -- it is unneeded to win wars, and it lost the Vietnam war.

It is clear to libertarians, to conservatives, to liberals, to moderates, even to anarchists, that defending the Constitution requires the trial and execution of all persons working for any state, without exception, whom engage in torture. Even Black_Knight is bound by this inflexible rule of International Law which the United States imposed upon the entire planet at Nuremberg, Germany, in the 1940s.