Monday, October 10, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Can Stay Indefinitely: Bloomberg

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The TEA PARTY was created and is controlled by the KILLER KOCH BROTHERS who killed Danielle Dawn Smalley and Jason Stone.

The Tea Party is allied with the Koch and Murdoch ORGANIZED CRIME GANGS, both involved with the CONVICTED RICO Racketeeri­ng Tobacco Mafia which serially murdered 400,000 Americans year.

It was the Tea Party Hutaree Militia who plotted top kill cops, and then blow up their widows and children at the mass funeral service.

It was the Tea Party who carried war weapons to presidenti­al speaking dates.

It is the Tea-Klux-K­lan who carried signs saying "We didn't bring our guns this time".

It is the Tea-Klux-K­lan who oppose 45,000 Americans from getting Health Care in America.

The Tea-Klux Klan applauds killing an uninsured guy in a coma, and the murderous mob prevents the family of Terry Schiavo from pulling the plug. A pregnant corpse will be put on life-suppo­rt for as long as it takes to have the fetus get it's right to life, but as soon as it's born they start killing it with poverty, school cuts, evil sadistic Tea Party.