Monday, October 10, 2011

Why the T.E.A. party isn't joining your cause. (User Submitted)

You wrote a pack of lies.

Koch ran a lie-factory called Citizens for Sound Economy for years. Then the Tobacco Mafia got felony prosecuted for RICO ORGANIZED CRIME FRAUD and Koch had to shred the evidence and fold a front operation. Jack Kemp was dying and the got him to turn over his mailing list of Empower America and merged it with the CSE mailing list, totaling about 800,000 dupes wiling to get spam from libertarian organized crime fraudsters and conservative-mimics.

Out of that mess they pulled four organizations built Frankenstein style from the corpse parts and named two of the Freedomworks and two of them Americans for Prosperity.

The Tobacco Mafia Malboro Man, Dick Armey, who was boss of the CSE lie-factory became boss of the new Freedomworks at $400,000 per year. This was 2004.

By 2008 they were itching to activate the dupes and suckers on that mammoth mailiong list so they created the T.E.A. movement at Freedomworks. Dick Armey was ramrod.

Back when Rupert Murdoch was selling cigarettes to children by sending $75,000,000 a year in Philip Morris ads to his TV GUIDE magazine where young kids waded through cigarette ads to find the showtimes of their programs, Murdoch was on the board of Directors of both Philip Morris and Koch-'s Cato Institute lie-factory. The Koch's worked with Murdoch's Tobacco Mafia science frauds and they were ready to get the whole organized crime gang back together for another brouhaha.

The Tea Party was invented. Murdoch used his media empire, especially Fox News, to promote it. Fox embedded reporters to give hours of free time worth literally millions  of dollars of "in-kind" advertising, to the Tea Party Express Bus Tour, which ended up at Dick Armey's Freedomworks stage at Fox's Glenn Beck's 9-12DC rally.

At every little whistlestop they got a small handful of bored seniors to come out to the bus by using their mailing list with addresses and email and phone numbers, which Fox News magnified as if it was Jesus Sermon on the Mount and the Multitudes.

It was complete bogus crap, using suckers and hucksters to create a media mirage.

The TEA Party was trademarked at the US office of trademarks by a small group of four long-time republican activists and Koch associates. Freedomworks funded every small tea party group and Americans for Prosperity did membership drives on behalf of Koch's growing mailing list.

Koch has learned to create many front operations. The Americans for Prosperity is home of over 400 websites on the AfP servers, most not identified as controlled by Koch or AfP but many others state an AfP ownership.

Koch is Organized Crime. The Tea Party is wholly owned and completely controlled by the Koch and hired operatives. Those independent cells of TP are powerless and impotent -- they are dupes caught up by Madison Avenue magic smoke and mirrors.