Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Senate puts members on record for or against Obama law requiring free birth control

7:51 PM PST
The insurance policy may be paid for by the employer, but it is the SOLE PROPERTY OF THE EMPLOYEE, owned 100% by the employee, as a benefit in lieu of wages for work rendered. It is NOT A GIFT. It is an EARNED property of the worker. The employer is solely the conduit gathering the collective payments from the workers and paying the group policy premiums on behalf of the employees as their agent. The employer does not at any time have property rights over the insurance policy nor over the money used to pay it -- these are earned ownership sole property of the employee. 
The employer has no moral responsibility on how the employees exercise their options from the health insurance policy. The republican party is acting against property rights of the employees, and acting against the free moral agency of the individual employees. There is an absolute wall of separation of church and state and the republicans are anti-constitutional when they force employer religion on employees by law.