This is a record of censorship of left viewpoints expressed as comments on as responses to articles and other readers views. I may not get my speech freely there, but you can see what they have deleted by coming over here how much censoring that Huffington Post does. Some articles may look liberal over there but the "moderators" are not moderates -- they are hard right radicals who censor out people who disagree with them, skewing the comments and falsifying the public dialog.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Defining Dignity: Romney, Working Mothers and Double Standards![]()
1 second ago ( 6:49 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
"The flag, apple pie and motherhood" used to be the three sacred cows, so of course Ann Rmoney baked apple pies while barefoot pregnant in the kitchen waving American flags like a good GOP Stepford Wife. Meanwhile hubby Williard-Mitt was off firing moms, both republican and democrats made equal by their low-income status, who worked in factories that he was closing down to loot the pension funds and break the company union contracts.
Faithful wife Ann Rmoney looked out the window at the illegal immigrant yard workers getting fired when Mitt was running for office for goodness sakes, and went to check the greencard status of her nannies and housekeepers in an act of "shared sacrifice" because an aristocratic mom's work is never done.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Jeb Bush Leads Romney Campaign Effort To Hit President On Trade![]()
1 second ago ( 6:55 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Prescott Bush in 1942 still operated the Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company. which literally sold coal to Auschwitz to burn bodies of gassed Jews.
All the same PRESCOTT BUSH WAS ENTHUSIASTIC NAZI ACTIVITIST still applies to JEB BUSH as much as to his brother and father family values. Only difference is 60 years after the war they de-classified more archives and we know now that Grandpaw Bush operated 26 nazi companies, not just the three previously documented, and Grandpaw Prescott Bush, and Great-Gramps George Herbert Walker, were directors of the Hamburg-America Shipping whose HAPAG ship named after Walker's hometown, the St Louis was the "Voyage of the Damned". I doubt that Jeb can count on the Jewish vote since this news was dug up.
Mitt Romney Responds To Brian Schweitzer, Says Grandfather Wasn't A 'Polygamist' (VIDEO)
2 seconds ago ( 6:33 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Tax-dodger RMoney paid the minimum-wage tax rate like he was a burger-flipper at McDonalds, even though he made over $20,000,000.00 interest on his investments last year.
So what if the tax-dodger came from a grandpaw with five wives all married together like some Lesbian commune with a token sperm-donor? The real scandal is this guy ripped to death some American corporations, looted pension funds, fired bluecollars, just so he could get an extra $40,000,000 to donate to the RMormon Temple -- money he didn't need except just to give it away to brag how much he loved his temple. The Tax-Dodger also tucked away 100 MEGABUCKS for trust fund kiddies who won't pay income or gift taxes on it.
Can America afford a tax-dodger like RMoney in control of tax policy?
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The Koch Brothers Behaving Like Children![]()
1 second ago ( 1:27 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
What other corporation in the WORLD has ever been fined and penalized $288,000,000.00 plus lost a court case by jury verdict of people who examined the evidence that imposed $293,000,000.00 more dollars for killing people by neglecting their business?
This is more than HALF A GIGABUCK! There's a partial list of links to the court evidence and official reports located at:
This doesn't even include the tens of millions of dollars the Koch brothers raked in joining the Tobacco Serial Murder Conspiracy that killed 22,000,000 Americans since 1956 -- the Kochs became partners in the RICO operation by 1985 if not sooner, and there have been 440,000 Americans killed by tobacco liars and addictive drug peddlers each year since 1984.
When did they terminate the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT? Why the kid gloves? It's not like Obama loves the Koch brothers funding ALEC or Karl Rove's GPS.
Why are they ABOVE THE LAW?
Court papers list witnesses for Planned Parenthood case
Read more here:
Replying to Carolyn Quigley
The fetus has not been born -- it has no civic "rights" by virtue of being a natural born citizen.
The fetus is not naturalized -- it has no civic rights by virtue of passing the citizenship process.
There is no interest of the state involved.
"Murder" is a "legal" definition. It is not a medical term. "Murder" is misused in a propaganda battle to describe a medical situation which uses other language. Lying is the misuse of words to deceive to obtain a benefit which would not be derived if one told the truth. Use medical terms and state your argument.
A fetus is a parasitic growth on a born woman's body. The woman has rights, the fetus has none. The fetus is a dependent lump of tissue which cannot cognate and articulate -- it is dependent on the woman to make all decisions which may affect it.
Society is not owner of the "property" which is flesh of the woman. Slavery is outlawed in the USA. The govt and society does not own p[ersons, neither the fetus nor the woman. Society has not demonstrated any compelling interest in the fetus or the woman. The interest would need to be "extraordinary" to invoke a society intervention. Misuse of the legally defined term "murder" does not constitute a proper social interest. Society does not own the flesh and cannot own the flesh and the flesh is not a citizen and there is no framework existing to declare social civil rights to a part of an existing human being, the woman.
The woman is sole owner of her body, and society has no compelling interest in the fetus. It is not society's business to intervene in the woman's personal decisions over her choice to give birth or to not give birth. Women are not slaves to be compelled to give birth as breeders owned by the state. This is very dangerous theology, to give the religious state the power to compel or deny parenthood in violation of the individual freedom and liberty of the actual citizens whom own the government as property (not vice-versa).
The theology of "souls implanted at conception" is the ONLY reason that fetuses are lied about by religious fanatics crossing the line of separation of church and state. Al Qaida is religious fanatics whom are not given power to set public policy, for well-recognized reasons. The liars who misuse legal terms to decide medical situations are equally dangerous as Al Qaida and must be repulsed with all the power of the state. Slavery of women to be compulsory breeders owned by the state is dangerous and intolerable theology.
Life does not begin at conception -- it began on Earth 3,500,000,000 years ago and as been continuously unfolding ever since. Not every sperm deserves a name. Not every fetus deserves to parasitize a woman for 18 years, legally. A women exercises her freedom and liberty and makes a choice to mother a child or not. It is not society's business until the child is born and gains civil rights by the legal process.
Society's interests, and financial investments, increase as time goes by. The parential right decrease upon maturity, and society imposes a separate relationship with adults which largely exclude the parents. Society whom takes no responsibility to feed or cloth the child, house it, indeed, even educate it in today's era of eliminating public education, has no bonafide lawful, or Constitutional interest in pre-born fetuses. Fetusus do not have a "right to live" until birth and then a neglectful and deprived live ever after. FIRST, society has to demonstrate a financial responsibility towards the unborn citizen for 18 years like parents do, BEFORE it can pretend that it has any interests in the fetus at all.
Liars are satanic. It says so in the bible. Stop lying Quigley. There is no "Murder", and there is intentional fraud misuse of language to usurp power from free citizens whom are not slave breeders owned by the state. A religious state which can compel birth can later on compel human sacrifice, because the basis of freedom and liberty is people whom are not owned by the state.
The reason we don't have an official govt religion in America is because the 3,000,000 founder Americans liked it that way. You are not going to sneak one in on America with your trojan horse of frauds about "souls" justifying concern over lumps of parasitic flesh.
'Day Of Silence,' National Pro-Gay Youth School Event, Slammed As 'Promotion' Of Homosexuality
2 seconds ago ( 3:16 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Where were these people when CIA-BUSH was hosting midnight tours of the White House for gay teen prostitutes? (Google GAY TEEN PROSTITUTES MIDNIGHT TOUR WHITE HOUSE).
Where were these people when cheerleader GAY-BUSH was getting a black eye wrestling rough-trade gay prostitute with a press pass for 'backdoor' access in the White House? (Google JEFF GANNON GAY PROSTITUTE PRESS PASS WHITE HOUSE)
Tea party leader Dick Armey gets first-class treatment![]()
1 second ago ( 3:03 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
It is doubtful that Dick Armey took a pay-cut. If you ONLY checked the Freedomworks-CSE #990-form income tax reports for a charity 501(c)(3), then your mistake would be excusable because the FREEDOMWORKS FOUNDATION charity 501(c)(4) ALSO PAYS A SALARY TO DICK ARMEY. Years ago it was $800,000 from both sources combined, but that was before the full impact hit home of Armey being fired from his other lobbyest gig because his rabble-rousing was an embarrassment and Armey losing another $500,000 income stream from his cabal of moneybags paymasters. Back when CSE was taking tens of millions of dollars for Tobacco propagandizing, the tobacco mafia was using secret Swiss accounts and using lawyers (lawyer-client confidentiality) to launder payoffs to it's people. ARE YOU SURE that $500,000 is CORRECT?
Monday, April 16, 2012
Tea Party Speaker Reportedly Tells LGBT Protesters: 'We Will Not Be Silenced By Faggots'
Posted: 04/16/2012 1:42 pm Updated: 04/16/2012 1:46 pm 2 seconds ago ( 3:09 PM)
This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.The Koch-Klux-Klan Tea Party was formed by organized crime funding. The track records are openly available on the internet for those who bother to check the sources. The Koch-Murdoch Axis lavishly funded the Tea Party going back many years. Koch propaganda factory think tanks received tens of millions of dollars from Tobacco Murder-Incorporated Corporate Serial Killers. Rupert Murdoch himself gave the Tea Party tens of millions of dollars of "In Kind" contributions of publicity and commercials on Fox News disguised as morning til night reporting. Fox reporters were embedded on the Tea Party Express bust tours while the anchors gave blow by blow accounts of every word said at whistle stop towns.
Koch Organized Crime 01.wmv
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Smoke Koch-Murdoch Tea Party Cigarettes.wmv
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Court papers list witnesses for Planned Parenthood case
Planned Parenthood faces criminal charges in Johnson County.
Read more here:
Read more here:
Society has ZERO LAWFUL "INTEREST" in fetuses, other than supporting a woman's (citizen's) choice. Fetuses are not property of the state, not property with any ownership rights by society. A fetus is not "born" and has no natural born social civil rights. A fetus is not a citizen -- it is a part of a woman's body whom has sole jurisdiction over the fetus.
The FALSE and BLASPHEMOUS DOCTRINE that a superior being imbues souls into fetus bodies has UNCONSTITUTIONALLY been imposed into law in violation of the absolute wall between Church & State. The state has no business enshrining the superstitions of one cult into laws and oppressing non-believers with coercive religious beliefs.
Compulsory motherhood is unconstitutional. Women are not slave breeders for the state. It is UNAMERICAN to force American citizens to be breeders of state-owned and state-controlled human beings as property of the state.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Why Anti-LGBT Tactics to Divide Latinos and the LGBT Community Won't Work
1 second ago (10:39 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The rules for immigration in 1776 are good enough for me. They were good enough for the Founding generation. They ought to be good enough for Tea-Klux-Klan.
As far as gays, None of the Tea-Klan complained when GHW Bush has teen gay prostitute tours inside the White House after midnight during his term. (Google it: Gay prostitutes tour white house)
Also the Tea-Ball Suckers had their mouths gagged shut during the 2nd Bush term when gay prostitute Jeff Gannon toured the white house after nightfall. (Google it: George Bush Gay Prostitute Jeff Gannon.)
Then in regards to the evangelical wing of the Latinos, how about the altarboy buggering of the catholic priests -- how can you take moral orders from these creeps? Even the Tea-Baggers can't be on the side of altarboy humpers, right?
REPLY TO: Cato must not turn into a tool for Koch By Robert A. Levy, Special to CNN updated 8:00 AM EDT, Mon April 2, 2012
Cato must not turn into a tool for Koch
By Robert A. Levy, Special to CNN
updated 8:00 AM EDT, Mon April 2, 2012
Koch's have used their money to take-over the boards of all of the Think Tank$ and In$titute$ which they fund. Putting Koch-watchmen on the boards is standard operating procedure.
Cato in not now, and never has been, any exception. When Philip Morris Tobacco was running scams through CATO they typically had a vice president on the board, and when major PM Stock-holder, Rupert Murdock, was placed on the board, that made two Tobacco execs on Cato Board watching that CATO scammed the public with tobacco-fraud reports and articles leavened in the national media.
Tobacco and Global Warming scammers like Junkman Steve Milloy was picked up by the Fox News by owner Murdock from Cato during his time on Cato's Board of Directors. Regularly dropping by to pick up corporate-payoffs Other crooked organized crime RICO tobacco fraud scammers whom were "senior fellows" at CATO were goodfella S. Fred Singer, goodfella Bruce Ames, goodfella Michael Gough, goodfella Frederick Seitz. CATO published tobacco propaganda from the George Mason University tobacco-funded organized crime gang whom were also lavishly funded by the Koch crime ring.
To conceal the monies sources, goodfella "senior fellows" were often paid by ten to twenty different think tank$ and in$titute$, creating the illusion that CATO funding was too minor to implicate them as player in any scams, but ALL Koch receivers played the same game.
Interlocking directorates means that people whom are solely paid by one Koch in$titute were places with a short leash on the board of directors of other in$titute boards. There was no chance to go rogue, as every penny of income could be terminated to any rebel any moment. Both the in$titute and the employee were vulnerable to this greenmail economic slavery, in fact still are right up to today.
It took computerization to track all the sock-puppets of the Koch's in the various scams. Greenpeace tried to track just the dirty OILY Global warming money from just one company, ExxonMobil, and it involved hundreds of organized crime cells, many of whom also operated for Tobacco paymasters and others of the P&P (Poison and Pollution) cartels.
The tobacco convictions put 40,000,000 documents from the tobacco mafia into evidence and ordered posted online so that Americans could see the crimes they had committed over 50 years. Koch operations appear prominently throughout these document troves. The most significant fraud operation of all time was The A.S.S. Coalition (TASSC = The Assoc for Sound Science) which was created by Philip Morris Tobacco by their public relations organized crime ring APCO. TASSC operators filled CATO and were feted to awards dinners by CATO for "Integrity in Science".
http://web .archive.o rg/web/200 2060315424 4/
http://web .archive.o rg/web/200 2080216284 7/http://www.ust
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Cain Took $26 Million Jobs Stimulus Money.wmv
Herman Cain Bad Businessman.wmv
By Robert A. Levy, Special to CNN
updated 8:00 AM EDT, Mon April 2, 2012
Comment awaiting approval
Koch's have used their money to take-over the boards of all of the Think Tank$ and In$titute$ which they fund. Putting Koch-watchmen on the boards is standard operating procedure.
Cato in not now, and never has been, any exception. When Philip Morris Tobacco was running scams through CATO they typically had a vice president on the board, and when major PM Stock-holder, Rupert Murdock, was placed on the board, that made two Tobacco execs on Cato Board watching that CATO scammed the public with tobacco-fraud reports and articles leavened in the national media.
Tobacco and Global Warming scammers like Junkman Steve Milloy was picked up by the Fox News by owner Murdock from Cato during his time on Cato's Board of Directors. Regularly dropping by to pick up corporate-payoffs Other crooked organized crime RICO tobacco fraud scammers whom were "senior fellows" at CATO were goodfella S. Fred Singer, goodfella Bruce Ames, goodfella Michael Gough, goodfella Frederick Seitz. CATO published tobacco propaganda from the George Mason University tobacco-funded organized crime gang whom were also lavishly funded by the Koch crime ring.
To conceal the monies sources, goodfella "senior fellows" were often paid by ten to twenty different think tank$ and in$titute$, creating the illusion that CATO funding was too minor to implicate them as player in any scams, but ALL Koch receivers played the same game.
Interlocking directorates means that people whom are solely paid by one Koch in$titute were places with a short leash on the board of directors of other in$titute boards. There was no chance to go rogue, as every penny of income could be terminated to any rebel any moment. Both the in$titute and the employee were vulnerable to this greenmail economic slavery, in fact still are right up to today.
It took computerization to track all the sock-puppets of the Koch's in the various scams. Greenpeace tried to track just the dirty OILY Global warming money from just one company, ExxonMobil, and it involved hundreds of organized crime cells, many of whom also operated for Tobacco paymasters and others of the P&P (Poison and Pollution) cartels.
The tobacco convictions put 40,000,000 documents from the tobacco mafia into evidence and ordered posted online so that Americans could see the crimes they had committed over 50 years. Koch operations appear prominently throughout these document troves. The most significant fraud operation of all time was The A.S.S. Coalition (TASSC = The Assoc for Sound Science) which was created by Philip Morris Tobacco by their public relations organized crime ring APCO. TASSC operators filled CATO and were feted to awards dinners by CATO for "Integrity in Science".
Koch Organized Crime 01.wmv
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Koch Organized Crime (04) Killed Dawn Smalley.wmv
Smoke Koch-Murdoch Tea Party Cigarettes.wmv
Cain Took $26 Million Jobs Stimulus Money.wmv
Herman Cain Bad Businessman.wmv
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There is a full-on Corporatist Hostile Takeover of America, and the only thing standing in the way of the overthrow of Democracy is these patriots, the moral equivalent to the "founding fathers". The 1%, the Aristocracy, has always opposed freedom and liberty throughout history, and AMERICA WAS CREATED TO OPPOSE THE ARISTOCRACY. Traitors would heave all the gains in the trash and return to slavery days.