Saturday, October 27, 2012

What Richard Mourdock's Rape Comments Mean for Jews

Ms Liann
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1 second ago ( 2:52 PM)
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Totally WRONG Argument. It is not "should we allow one sect to overthrow Freedom of Religion for all other sects, by writing the laws. That is NOT THE ISSUE.

The issue is allowing any sect to OVERTHROW the right of PRIVACY.

First the wasn't any govt other than temporary govt intended to be discarded and replaced after the revolution. Then there were the SOVERIGN PEOPLE deciding to create a govt tabla rosa, blank slate.

The govt had no powers because it didn't exist yet. The people decided to give it powers EXPLICITLY, and also give it powers implied "absolutely necessary" only to exercise the powers enumerated. It it wasn't ENUMERATED POWER, or implied required to exercise the ENUMERATED POWER, then the govt didn't get that power. It never existed in the govt. THE SOVEREIGN CITIZENS have that power, NOT the govt.

There are no "secret laws". The SOVEREIGN PEOPLE reserved a sphere of privacy around themselves. This is EXPLICIT in the limit on govt to torture a person into confessions, EXPLICIT in warrants required to search houses and papers. PRIVACY is EXPLICITLY RESERVED TO THE SOVEREIGN OWNERS OF GOVT.

If my papers are private, how much more is what's going on in my underpants PRIVATE. The English word for the contents of underpants is "PRIVATES" or "PRIVATE PARTS".

If you never received bestowal of the power to rule people's underpants, then you don't have that power in the govt now. That power does not exist and has never existed.