Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bill O'Reilly: Jon Stewart Is 'Obtuse,' Works With 'Pinheads' (VIDEO)


Ms Liann
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ARE THERE 1,200 abortions per day? Unfettered abortions? I know that Rupert Murdoch was on the Borg of Directors of Philip Morris Tobacco Company directing that PM buy $75,000,000 worth of ads a year in his TV GUIDE property, and children used TV GUIDE in homes every day to look up Sesame Street and Power Rangers showtimes. I know that PM knew it was addicting children at the earliest age to be replacement smokers for the 3,000 they lose every day. 1,200 of these daily losses are due to corporate SERIAL-MURDERS by tobacco drug pushers.

Rupert Murdoch who owns FOX NEWS, owns Billow Reilly's mouth, also hacked Floor Graphics computers to steal corporate secrets, his London newspapers criminally hacked cell phone voice mails, and his news media was suspiciously first with the story of HACKED East Anglia professors emails that Fox dubbed "climategate".

Philip Morris has been judged GUILTY of RICO (Racketeer-Influenced Corrupt-Organization) at a time that Racketeer Rupert Murdoch was DIRECTING PHILIP MORRIS ACTIONS as a legally responsible person.

Billow Reilly is employed by a racketeer with a lifelong pattern of violations of laws, whom conspired with others to defraud 1,200 Americans into their graves EACH AND EVERY DAY.

Billow Reilly is accomplice before the fact recruiting the assassination of George Tiller.