Ms Liann
Words have meanings. Authority is not a synonym for power.
Govt AUTHORITY flows from the people, from the "Consent of the governed".
First there is NO GOVT, therefore no govt power.
Then the people decide to make govt, and transfer THEIR POWER to the
govt. The govt has no powers EXCEPT those granted. Sometimes there are
"implied powers" required to do what the explicit powers do. Implied
powers are not written, but they are closely joined to WRITTEN EXPLICIT
No TRANSFER OF POWER to regulate abortion was EVER GRANTED. It must be
written: there are no "SECRET LAWS" in America. It never happened, so
the power never existed. It can be usurped, and the Supreme Court drove
back govt in Roe V Wade, but not far enough.
Govt hates giving up powers once usurped. The Supreme Court could have
been bolder and pushed YOU out of MY UNDERPANTS once and for all.
People who don't believe in evolution or science are no authority on DNA.”