John McCain: Abortion Issue Should Be Left Alone By Republicans
1 second ago ( 6:43 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
I wonder if Hanoi John McCain, the ambassador from Benghazi Al Qaeda, can take time off his busy schedule puffing up the assassin gang into CELEBRITY ARAB WORLD HEROES long enough to say simply, clearly, unequivocally THERE IS AN ABSOLUTE WALL OF SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
1 second ago ( 6:51 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Roe v Wade was about CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO PRIVACY, reserved to the Sovereign Citizens, never transferred in writing to govt. If our homes are private and govt cannot house soldiers in them, our homes and papers are private from random searches by govt, if our thoughts are private and cannot be coerced into tortured confessions, how much MORE PRIVATE IS A VAGINA?
If it's NOT YOUR VAGINA, then it's not a place for you to stick your busybody noses.
"Abortion" is a naked power grab by the "Religious Right".
Abortion is LEGAL IN AMERICA. The Constitution defends personal privacy in many ways. No transfer of power in writing ever was conveyed by the SOVEREIGN CITIZENS to the govt on abortion or birth control. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL USURPATION OF POWER for govt to meddle in a woman's PRIVATE PARTS.
People who hate science and evolution suddenly cite "DNA" as giving human rights to a fetal ball with one cell. The 14th Amendment defines citizen rights and they only go to BORN persons. The Religious right gives rights to a fetal ball with one cell by TAKING RIGHTS AWAY FROM A WOMAN WITH WRITTEN 14TH AMENDMENT RIGHTS.
Any govt powerful enough to force motherhood on an unwilling CITIZEN is powerful enough to do the opposite and force abortions on unwilling persons. That sword cuts both ways, and no power was ever given to govt to do EITHER! The PEOPLE OWN THE GOVT, the GOVT DOES NOT OWN PEOPLE.
Religious right lies frequently, calling abortion "MURDER". Murder is a legal term defined by the state. No state defines abortion as murder. It is a lie in violation of JOHN 8:44 and liars are not even christians.