Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Darrell Issa Subpoenas Benghazi Documents


Ms Liann
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46,000 American Citizens died last year because they were blockaded from getting healthcare as good as the Canadians get just over the border. Where's the hearing on the EMAILS on that? 18,000 Americans died last year from gunshots: where's the EMAILS on who's blocking the sane rational gun laws? 400,000 Americans died last year from tobacco related corporate serial murders -- where's the EMAILS 0n those, (actually they are here: www.TobaccoDocuments.Org).

THE GOP-NRA hated the gay ambassador so much that they barred him from enjoying federal survivor's benefits for his partner after death, and wouldn't let him get marred in 31 states. Who believes that the evil GOP-NRA cared about the four cannon fodder behind enemy lines in an Al Qaeda neighborhood?