Family Planning Programs Saved Taxpayers $10.5 Billion in 2010: Report
Ms Liann
Family Planning Programs Saved Taxpayers $10.5 Billion in 2010: Report
Commented Jul 30, 2013 at 23:54:42 in Politics
“Get a vasectomy or shut
your pie hole. Not one unintended pregnancy ever occurred except after a
reckless guy shot his load.”
Ms Liann
Commented 16 minutes ago in Politics
“God is the SUPREME ABORTIONIST BEING. Even the rightwing
conservative anti-abortion group FOCUS ON FAMILY website admits it:
Miscarriage is defined as a pregnancy that ends before the 20th week, while the baby is still too young to survive outside the womb. Causes of miscarriage can include problems with the mother's uterus or placenta, or abnormalities in the baby's development. In most cases, the cause of miscarriage remains unknown.
... one in five pregnancies end in miscarriage...”
Miscarriage is defined as a pregnancy that ends before the 20th week, while the baby is still too young to survive outside the womb. Causes of miscarriage can include problems with the mother's uterus or placenta, or abnormalities in the baby's development. In most cases, the cause of miscarriage remains unknown.
... one in five pregnancies end in miscarriage...”
Commented 21 minutes ago in Politics
Cro Magnon
Commented 8 hours ago in Politics
“Wrong. Natural abortions arise from sin and all diseases arise from sin. In most cases, natural abortions occur because of intergenerational sin involving abuse of the ability to procreate or abuse or neglect of the procreated or simply no soul chose to enter the body because of the mother or those or the situation about her. This, of course, occurs on a case by case.”
1 second ago ( 2:48 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
WRONG. God is not only the SUPREME ABORTIONIST, killing one in five fetuses with spontaneous abortions or miscarriages, but Evil Jehovah is himself the BIGGEST SINNER, having date-raped Mary by inducing a swoon on her and impregnating her, an ENGAGED-TO-BE-MARRIED-WOMAN, the Jehovahn penalty for such serious crimes in the Old Testament was DEATH-BY-STONING for both of them.
The rape-baby Jesus is put in the AWKWARD position of having to torture both his mother and father by throwing them both in the lake of fires down below FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER.
Cro_Magnon replied to your comment on Family Planning Programs Saved Taxpayers $10.5 Billion in 2010: Report|You wrote: Crazytalk. The bible is a set of rules for sheepherders of 2000BC. It's nuts to take it seriously, but more importantly, it is unconstitutional for you to put your fairytale book as an authority on how we live today. Either get your religion OUT OF MY LAWS or get it OUT OF MY COUNTRY. You can voluntarily not get all the abortions that you want to not get, even get 1,000s of non-abortions for all I care, but don't you dare screw with the WALL SEPARATING CHURCH AND STATE, because when you dissolve the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT OF PRIVACY you dissolve all your other constitutional rights too.8 hours ago Cro MagnonListen, the eugenics movement in America is dead and buried. And any attempt to resurrect it as an American way of life and view of life is ultimately doomed to failure.1 second ago Ms LiannThe EUGENICS MOVEMENT in America was a conservative republican richman's movement and it is alive and well in America run by the heirs of the fathers. The most famous eugenisist was former slave-owners GRAY family who killed more than 20,000,000 Americans with addictive poisonous cigarettes and they took that money and bought Huffington Post for $315 under the front-name of A.O.L.
Not opting-in to the corporate FORCED BREEDER SLAVE program of the Corporatists is NOT EUGENICS. It's called FREEDOM in my country.
“It costs $70,000 a year to keep all the unloved unwanted in prison
as adults. There's 2,000,000 incarcerated now, costing $140,000,000.00
to keep jailed each year and that number can never decrease.”
2 seconds ago (12:12 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Unless GOD abort it first. God aborts one in every five fetuses so GOD has the blood of 77.5 million abortions on Americans alone. Planned Parenthood is way behind that.
◄Psalm 137:9►
How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones Against the rock.
◄1 Samuel 15:2,3►
2 This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt.3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy [a] everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.' "
◄Hosea 13:16►
16 The people of Samaria must bear their guilt,
because they have rebelled against their God.
They will fall by the sword;
their little ones will be dashed to the ground,
their pregnant women ripped open."
HuffingtonPost Censor Left Viewpoints: Family Planning Programs Saved $10.5 Bil... …
#God #Supreme #Abortionist #Being
God murders one in every five fetuses with his death-finger: that's just the spontaneous abortions up to 20 weeks of fetal development, and not counting the stillborns he kills later in pregnancy.
Just do the math: if there are 310 million survivors of god's hatchetwork, that means that there were 77,500,000 potential Americans aborted with god's fingerprints on them.
Planned Parenthood can't come close to those statistics.