Thursday, September 19, 2013

Alan Keyes, Former Obama Opponent, Compares Homosexuality To Incest, Bestiality And Pedophilia

Alan Keyes, Former Obama Opponent, Compares Homosexuality To Incest, Bestiality And Pedophilia

KEYES: "A mother who loves her son can't have sexual relations with her son," he declared. "Well, that means you can't just follow your loving inclinations in order to engage in sexual activity with anybody you love because our laws strictly forbid that."

Adam had ONLY TWO CHILDREN BY EVE, Cain and Abel, and Cain killed Abel. That leaves the ONLY MAN IN THE WORLD WHO IS NOT ADAM and the ONLY WOMEN IN THE WORLD, EVE, to procreate the human race. The Bible is not only pro-incest, it requires incest as the foundation for it's whole entire theology.

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