Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Republican Party Should Have Zero Credibility on Deficits

Ms Liann
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Why would anybody say "Ryan knew that this plan was not, in fact, a deficit reduction plan, though he tried to pass it off as one to an embarrassingly credulous media."?

THE REPUBLICANS OWN ALL THE MEDIA. There are no prominent billionaires who are democrats who own functional media companies.

If it serves their interests, they will pretend that there is "unbiased media", or "leftist biased media" but in fact the same pack of fraternity brothers owns everything worth calling "media".

They are not "credulous". They slant the news exactly as the daily staff meetings say the news needs to be slanted. The NIXONIAN Roger Ailes even goes so far as to get "talking points" distributed to every show cast member, not only at Fox News and Fox Business, but to the Fox affiliate TV stations spread around the country.

The CORPORATIST PRESS will never undermine the central themes of the CORPORATIST OVERTHROW OF DEMOCRACY.

Starve the beast to take the federal cops off the beat. Create harassing and stupid laws to get people to hate govt. Torment the poor so they are too busy surviving to pay attention. Reducing taxes is a con -- Lorena Helmsley "Taxes are for little people" -- the rich dodge taxes very well, and profit off the govt very well indeed.