Hillary Clinton: Drug Legalization Won't End The Drug War
This is a record of censorship of left viewpoints expressed as comments on HuffingtonPost.com as responses to articles and other readers views. I may not get my speech freely there, but you can see what they have deleted by coming over here how much censoring that Huffington Post does. Some articles may look liberal over there but the "moderators" are not moderates -- they are hard right radicals who censor out people who disagree with them, skewing the comments and falsifying the public dialog.
What is being said is that ONLY THE MOST EXPENSIVE OPTION (That is having a baby and birthing the baby) should be covered and subsidized by all rate-payers in the insurance policy pool. The LEAST COST OPTION (not having a baby, not giving birth) is not allowed to be in the policy pool for choosing by the employee.
Insurance policies are paid by SOMEBODY. That somebody is the usually the person whose name is on the policy. The policy may be paid by WAGES, which the employer has no say-so over, as CASH MONEY is the SOLE PRIVATE PROPERTY OF THE EMPLOYEE, or paid by a combination of WAGES AND BENEFITS.
The BENEFITS are also WAGES in a slightly different form. They are cash wages deferred and devoted to specific incentives for employees to work for the employer. They are still private property of the employee, in exchange for SWEAT OFF OF HER BROW. Wages are not any form of employer property once paid.
In no sense can wages, or wages & benefits, be considered property of the employer. The labors of the employee have been transferred to the employer and the employee receives PRIVATE PROPERTY of wages and benefits transferred to the employee in return. EMPLOYERS cannot dictate how the cash portion can be spent. Employers cannot dictate how the benefits options can be spent either -- it is NOT THEIR PROPERTY.
An insurance policy has a name on it whom is the beneficial owner of the private property.
Employers may be churches in rare circumstances, but if they are engaged in MAMMON, in selling services or products, then they are not churches. MAMMON is not recognized as a dodge to avoid laws that apply to "businesses" whom are organized as "businesses", whom are taxed as "businesses", whom are regulated as "businesses" and whom re licensed under the BUSINESS LAW CODE.
If an entity is licensed as a business under the business law code then it is NOT A CHURCH. It cannot commit a crime of fraud by impersonating a church. All Americans may utilize the business (sit and eat at lunch counters, for example) with discrimination. All citizens can be hired without fear of religious discrimination in hiring. Employers cannot impose their private moral code or religious beliefs on employees.
The anti-discrimination protections which apply to hiring also apply to wages and benefits. Employers cannot pressure employees to follow particular religious beliefs or practices.
There is a CHURCH EXEMPTION to certain laws, but businesses licensed to do business under business laws cannot commit fraud an impersonate churches for the purposes of evading laws prohibiting religious discrimination in hiring.
Requiring the LOWEST COST OPTION of not having a baby with all the pre and post birth medical expenses and 26 years the child could be on the parent's policy is withing govt power.
It is an OPTION of freewill choice. No person is obligated to choose the option. The MAMMON offering the business of insurance is required to offer the option.
2 seconds ago ( 1:05 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
In ROE V WADE, the judges had their staffs research abortion laws going back 4,000 years around the world. They could not find any basis in history for strong public interest in abortion over most of that time. They claimed an unsubstantiated "public interest" in the fetus which increases over time, from extremely low public interest in early pregnancy to very high public interest in late pregnancy. However, this so-called "public interest" is fictional without a strong public RESPONSIBILITY of financial support for the life that the public finds so interesting. The Supreme Court was unable to prove even one example where any society in history took upon itself to provide child support and healthcare to late term fetuses or their born results insisted by "public interest".
If the public truly had any interest they would begin by making financial preparations for the new citizen which they insist has a right to be born because of their "interest".
Absent any financial support, it is perfect correct to treat the Supreme Court with Supreme Disrespect for lying about the subject. Students had a right to be bussed to schools to defeat segregation, so the SCOTUS has imposed public spending for public interest in the past. Without any financial support GUARANTEES for a full 18 years, there is no reason to believe liars in black robes that there is any public interest in the matter.
1 second ago (11:55 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED PROTECTING, not the Senate minority.
The racist confederacy Senators have blocked a black president from doing what they allowed white presidents to do: get his appointees confirmed, get his treaties ratified, get his agenda passed. There are THOUSANDS of judgeships vacant in the Federal Court system because the white dixies won't let a black man choose judges. There are treaties affecting nuclear arms reductions sitting without a vote because the Johnny Rebs are waving their confederate flags in the black man's face, There's infrastructure repair and jobs bills not being passed because the pointy heads are burning crosses instead of voting.
1 second ago ( 4:41 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Remember, you have to have Rick Santorum and Frothy in the same comment to win. And you have to tweet your comment for extra credits.
1 second ago ( 4:48 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Have to make it a discipline to pound him weekly. Set up a GOOGLE ALERT for Rick-Santorum.
The hyphen in Rick-Santorum tells google that both terms are required, not just one or the other.
Write your comments defending CONSTITUTIONAL PRIVACY, and such to letters to the editor or comments sections. Don't be surprised when righty websites censor you and finally block you. Just waves after waves of people need to keep on coming and wearing him out for four years. This guy could have done the extra 1.6% split off of votes from Obama that would have won in 2012. Mitt was Obama's candidate of choice, or as Santorum said "THE WORST POSSIBLE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE".
You can't wait for 2016 to start hammering these guys. Then it's an uphill battle against a billion dollars of free FOX in-kind illegal media donations undeclared on their IRS tax returns.
1 second ago ( 3:11 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
I do no trust Hanoi John McCain, treasonous swishypants Linsey Graham, and TOKYO ROSE Ayotte.
I do not authorize the Al Qaeda helpers to further promote a small skirmish in a wider war to elevate hitmen assassins as ARAB WORLD CELEBRITIES. I demand the GOP curb the traitor talk from those giving AID & COMFORT TO THE ENEMY.
I demand President Obama hold these three Senators at GITMO until an investigation into the damages to US prestige is completed, awaiting charges.
1 second ago ( 3:14 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
I demand that Harry Reid, or whoever is selected to be Senate Majority Leader, ABOLISH THE HOLD. Three Senators have threatened to use the "HOLD" to veto the democratic principle of MAJORITY RULES, as in the electorate voted a MAJORITY TO RULE, not a minority to HOLD absolute veto power. LOSING HAS CONSEQUENCES -- that's why you want to woo the voters with message and policy they will VOTE FOR. FAILURE to woo voters does not grant any veto power to the LOSERS.
1 second ago (12:02 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Liars --- NO FREE PILLS.
Insurance is purchased, NOT FREE. The Rx medications are PURCHASED, NOT FREE. The govt pays no part. Employers pay wages as both cash & BENEFITS for workers earned SWEAT OFF THEIR BROWS. NOT FREE.
No free pills, satanic lie told by satanists. Jesus called all liars satanists: JOHN 8:44.
Stop lying. Stop spreading lies.
Pills are cheaper than baby births then 26 years of healthcare on parent's policy.
Stop lying. Liars are NOT CHRISTIANS.
1 second ago (12:10 AM)
It does not matter about majority opinion on Roe V Wade. That is not how CONSTITUTION GETS AMENDED.
Majority has no business in somebody's PRIVATE PARTS.
Constitution says many ways, PRIVACY IS IMPORTANT AND PROTECTED from govt intrusion.
Abortion not public business.
Religious opinion on souls not important public business.
NO HUMAN RIGHTS EXIST for fetuses. 14th Amendment defines citizen rights ONLY for BORN persons, unborn excluded.
GOD is ABORTIONIST. So long as miscarriages exist no legal argument that religion opposes abortion passes laugh test.
1 second ago (12:17 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
NOBODY owes voters any UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws assing.
Roe V Wade is NOT ABOUT ABORTION... it's about PRIVACY.
You don't have any rights inside somebody else's underwear. If they are NOT YOUR PANTIES, THEN STAY OUT!
What part of PRIVATE PARTS do you not understand?
What part of MAKE NO RELIGIOUS LAWS do you not understand?
What part of WALL: CHURCH | STATE do you not understand?
The 2nd Amendment means you will never break the 1st Amendment, but you can try and see what the price to pay is.
1 second ago ( 8:53 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
How does he deal with the fact that MARRY WAS THE LEGAL WIFE OF JOSEPH, slipped some godly version of a roofie, and woke up pregnant with a rape-baby?
2 seconds ago ( 8:14 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
God has some pretty sick and perverted ideas about marriage, most of them ILLEGAL IN THE US FOR MORE THAN 200 years...
The Varieties of Biblical Marriage
Polygynous Marriage -- Probably the most common form of marriage in the bible, it is where a man has more than one wife.
Levirate Marriage -- When a woman was widowed without a son, it became the responsibility of the brother-in-law or a close male relative to take her in and impregnate her. See Ruth, and the story of Onan (Gen. 38:6-10).
A man, a woman and her property — a female slave -- Abraham (Gen. 16:1-6) and Jacob (Gen. 30:4-5).
A man, one or more wives, and some concubines -- The definition of a concubine varies from culture to culture, but they tended to be live-in mistresses. To see how badly a concubine could be treated, see the famous story of the Levite and his concubine (Judges 19:1-30).
A male soldier and a female prisoner of war -- Women could be taken as booty from a successful campaign and forced to become wives or concubines. Deuteronomy 21:11-14
A male rapist and his victim -- Deuteronomy 22:28-29 describes how an unmarried woman who had been raped must marry her attacker.
A male and female slave -- A female slave could be married to a male slave without consent.
and of course …
Monogamous, heterosexual marriage.
3 seconds ago ( 6:40 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
"Abortion" is a naked power grab by the "Religious Right".
Abortion is LEGAL IN AMERICA. The Constitution defends personal privacy in many ways. No transfer of power in writing ever was conveyed by the SOVEREIGN CITIZENS to the govt on abortion or birth control. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL USURPATION OF POWER for govt to meddle in a woman's PRIVATE PARTS.
People who hate science and evolution suddenly cite "DNA" as giving human rights to a fetal ball with one cell. The 14th Amendment defines citizen rights and they only go to BORN persons. The Religious right gives rights to a fetal ball with one cell by TAKING RIGHTS AWAY FROM A WOMAN WITH WRITTEN 14TH AMENDMENT RIGHTS.
Any govt powerful enough to force motherhood on an unwilling CITIZEN is powerful enough to do the opposite and force abortions on unwilling persons. That sword cuts both ways, and no power was ever given to govt to do EITHER! The PEOPLE OWN THE GOVT, the GOVT DOES NOT OWN PEOPLE.
Religious right lies frequently, calling abortion "MURDER". Murder is a legal term defined by the state. No state defines abortion as murder. It is a lie in violation of JOHN 8:44 and liars are not even christians.
1 second ago ( 6:43 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
I wonder if Hanoi John McCain, the ambassador from Benghazi Al Qaeda, can take time off his busy schedule puffing up the assassin gang into CELEBRITY ARAB WORLD HEROES long enough to say simply, clearly, unequivocally THERE IS AN ABSOLUTE WALL OF SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
1 second ago ( 6:51 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Roe v Wade was about CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO PRIVACY, reserved to the Sovereign Citizens, never transferred in writing to govt. If our homes are private and govt cannot house soldiers in them, our homes and papers are private from random searches by govt, if our thoughts are private and cannot be coerced into tortured confessions, how much MORE PRIVATE IS A VAGINA?
If it's NOT YOUR VAGINA, then it's not a place for you to stick your busybody noses.
Ms Liann
Commented 1 hour ago in Religion
Words have meanings. Authority is not a synonym for power.
Govt AUTHORITY flows from the people, from the "Consent of the governed".
First there is NO GOVT, therefore no govt power.
Then the people decide to make govt, and transfer THEIR POWER to the govt. The govt has no powers EXCEPT those granted. Sometimes there are "implied powers" required to do what the explicit powers do. Implied powers are not written, but they are closely joined to WRITTEN EXPLICIT POWERS.
No TRANSFER OF POWER to regulate abortion was EVER GRANTED. It must be written: there are no "SECRET LAWS" in America. It never happened, so the power never existed. It can be usurped, and the Supreme Court drove back govt in Roe V Wade, but not far enough.
Govt hates giving up powers once usurped. The Supreme Court could have been bolder and pushed YOU out of MY UNDERPANTS once and for all.
People who don't believe in evolution or science are no authority on DNA.”
2 seconds ago ( 6:04 PM)
What might wake them up a bit is if people were to be frequently saying, in many places so they keep encountering it, that there should be a capital crime for being a billionaire.
One cannot obtain a billion dollars without losing their souls. Greed is ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER (google those terms) which never stops, is never satisfied..
After one has $999,999,999 and is still unsatisfies, sdtill doesn't possess enough money, adding one dollar doesn't fix that, adding one BILLION DOLLARS doesn't fix that. Koch's had $4B when WRECKER BUSH took office, had $22B when WRECKER BUSH left office, have $60B after 5 years of Obama neglecting law enforcement, and they are STILL NOT SATISFIED in their upper 70's with so little time left to enjoy their money.
Make BILLIONAIRE a CAPITAL CRIME. End bought politicians and govt corruption and the pending hostile corporatist takeover of America.
Say it, if you want to live. Say it often, say it many places.
1 second ago ( 6:05 PM)This is an UNCONSTITUTIONAL TAKING scheme, violation of the Constitution.
The MORTGAGE is a deal that the lender will buy a house and let the borrower live there so long as payments arrive on schedule. The TITLE is not transferred until the last payment is reached.
The lender gets the DOWNPAYMENT, the NEIGHBORHOOD APPRECIATION, the INTEREST and ACCUMULATED EQUITY, and the value of borrower IMPROVEMENTS over the years (including additions, landscaping, swimming pool, patio deck, fencing, mature trees, solar panels, etc.).
The borrower has received NO INCOME from the lender at any time. All income from the lender went to the previous buyer.
When event cause a default in payments the lender takes all the value put into the property by the borrower and ejects the borrower, ending the fiction that they are "Home Owner".
Ending a fiction is NOT INCOME.
No money goes to the borrower. The wealth of equity, down-payment, appreciation and improvements all flow as INCOME to the lender in addition to mortgage interest already paid.
IF a home is worth $100,000 (for round number) and the borrower has paid down to $50,000, and the lender has received by now $150,000 interest & principal, the INCOME has all been one-way from the borrower to the lender. No INCOME goes to the borrower.
The Lender now owns a house, has received $150,000 on it already, and places the APPRECIATED IMPROVED house on the market for $150,000. How is any of that INCOME to the borrower?
1 second ago ( 8:54 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
GOOGLE: Floor-Graphics Hacking Murdoch
Climategate Hacking Murdoch
Cell Phone Hacking Murdoch
Philip Morris RICO Murdoch
Philip Morris FRAUD Murdoch
1 second ago ( 6:08 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
GOP sunset the GOP tax cuts that the GOP passed into law. The GOP planned them to end. Now the calendar says they will end, and a perfectly calm transition back to the CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES will occur on the schedule set by the GOP.
The GOP demanded the automatic spending cuts. The GOP demanded the start date on the CALENDAR for the spending cuts. The GOP passed into law the spending cuts.
Now the date set by the GOP has arrived for them to get everything they wanted, everything they planned, everything they scheduled, everything that they passed into law.
Why is it the democrats problem if the GOP has changed their minds and don't want what they fought to get?
No cliff, just the calendar changing from one day to the next day.
1 second ago ( 6:21 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
How strong will the opposition be when the republicans get automatic tax increases on EVERYBODY January 1, 2013, and automatic spending cuts on January 1, 2013?
The spending cuts are 900,000 military & contractor jobs in mostly red states and red counties. When the BLUE STATES stop paying the payroll of 900,000 RED VOTERS getting GIFTS to VOTE RED, how strong are you, really?
When the RED STATES on the DROUGHT MONITOR MAP (Google Drought Monitor Map) stop getting Crop Insurance GIFTS from the Blue States paying the RED VOTING FARMERS for Votes, how strong are you, really?
When $4,000,000,000 of BLUE STATE MONEY stops subsidizing cotton crops in RED STATES, GIFTS for RED VOTING FARMERS, how strong are you?
When the BLUE STATES stop subsidizing the federal water turning RED STATE ARIZONA GOP GOLF COURSES to Green, how strong are you? Really?
2 seconds ago ( 5:36 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The dick Armey has been a ventriloquist dummy for the tobacco companies for more than 30 years. (GOOGLE: dick Armey Marlboro Man).
The dick Armey of Freedomworks-CSE derives from the CSE ventriloquist dummy of the tobacco companies. (GOOGLE: CSE = Citizens for a Sound Economy, Freedomworks)
The TEA PARTY is a creation of David Koch and Rupert Murdoch, deploying the tobacco-funded plan. In 2001 dick Armey had 600 loud actors pretending to be citizens throwing tea bags and shouting about Boston Tea Party in the state capitol bldg in North Carolina, on August 19, 2001, called the TAR HEELS TEA PARTY. Barack Obama was an unknown in 2001, and George WRECKER BUSH had just started his first term.
The Tobacco-Koch Tea Party opened the USTEAPATY.COM website in 2002-2005, mirroring the pages on CSE.ORG website. The web pages were marked US TEA PARTY is a project of members of CSE. Barack Obama was not even a candidate for president yet in 2002 through 2005.
HuffPo will not let me post links, but YouTube has 2 minute videos showing screengrabs from the CSE TEA PARTY websites from 2002-2005.
GOOGLE: Smoke Koch-Murdoch Tea Party Cigarettes.wmv
2 seconds ago ( 4:16 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
When Clinton ruled there was a boom economy, People could afford to buy homes to live in, and home values WENT UP. People owed less on their mortgages the the selling price on their home. 22,000,000 new jobs were filled with American Workers. The budget was balanced with more money coming in than going out, and there wer4e funds to pay down the debt.
When WRECKER BUSH put in his DESTROY AMERICA TAX CUTS people were tossed out of their homes and became renters, banks were crashing, the Auto companies needed bailouts, 28,000,000 went unemployed. People lost 40% of the value, selling price, of their homes and owe more then they can sell the property for.
DON'T BE GREEDY. EVERYBODY has to pay the PROSPERITY TAX RATES, not just the rich.
People would rather live well after paying their taxes then they would like to get unemployment checks and GOP keeps cutting unemployment checks in their usual cruel villainy
Don't be lured by the evil WRECKER BUSH philosophy.
LOW TAXES = America destroyed.
Prosperity taxes = the good life..
1 second ago ( 4:42 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
That's why the CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES are returning on January 1, 2013.
Under the CLINTON RATES: Homes were affordable to many families, people paid their mortgages and did not default. House went up in value and home owners actually owed less on the mortgage than they could get by selling the house. People actually TRADED UP for better homes. 22,000,000 new people started jobs that didn't exist under prior presidents. The economy was booming, with new millionaires being created every single day. People could afford to buy new cars and had the money to buy gasoline to put in them.
WRECKER BUSH imposed the AMERICA DESTRUCTION TAX CUTS. People were thrown out of their homes onto the streets. Houses lost 40% of its value. People owed more on their mortgage than they could get if the sold the house. They couldn't even afford to trade DOWN to a cheaper house. 28,000,000 were tossed out of work on unemployment into poverty. Auto-companies were going bankrupt and banks were toppling left and right.
People would rather live well after paying their taxes than get an unemployment check. The villains of the GOP are always cutting the unemployment checks.
2 seconds ago ( 3:44 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Three bums were arrested in a boxcar behind the grassy knoll. They were photographed and the AP sent the photo out on it's "wires" to newspapers that subscribed. Two hours later the photo was recalled, not mentioned again. Some papers published the photo they received in that 2-hour window. Two of the bums were later arrested breaking into the Watergate Hotel DNC HQ. They were called "the Plumbers" in Watergate hearings.
The third man in the group claimed to be the triggerman. He was a professional assassin of political figures. He was executed for conviction of assassinating a Federal Judge, an unrelated crime. He was Charles Harrelson, father to actor Woody of "Cheers" fame.
On November 22, 1963 Richard Nixon was meeting with General Vernon Walters in downtown Dallas Texas. Walters was head of the "Bay of Pigs" US military coordination with Cuban exiles. Nixon was White House liaison with General Walters preparing for the Bay of Pigs invasion and US support. The two plumbers arrested working for Nixon in the Watergate were veterans of that Bay of Pigs operation.
Nixon lost, JFK won, the govt support for the Bay of Pigs was withdrawn, and the invaders were slaughtered on the beach. JFK got many vows of vengeance against him for withholding US military support. Nixon's mob connections through Bebe Rebozo provided the Jack Ruby element, who was also connected to hitman Harrelson.
Any questions?
1 second ago ( 2:33 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The Republicans will destroy the filibuster the first day that they have 51 seats. The Democrats are keeping the filibuster out of "hope" that the Republicans will not use power to thwart them every way that they can. How silly, if they are doing it now when they are the minority, why wouldn't they use power to thwart the Democrats when they get the barest majority?
Like voter suppression laws, all they need is ONE TERM in power to change the country for 100 years.
We need EVERY empty judge seat filled and that requires speedy confirmations, 10, 20 per day, not 20 per year. We need judges who UNDERSTAND US. We need Obama's team in place, empty seats filled promptly without grandstanding, just like it was most of the last 50 years. Empty cabinet seats are not hostages.
We need all our treaties ratified. We need the nuclear treaties and the global warming treaties done, THIS YEAR not someday. Delays serve the enemies who attempted a hostile overthrow of democracy in 2012.
We need the Republicans to break ranks and deal, trade votes for mutual support like it was not so long ago. They don't have to right now. They can extort and blackmail for what they want and rarely give in. It's only when they KNOW that they are in a weak position do they have to deal.
The filibuster needs to be KILLED, exactly as Mitch McConnell would do if he was in charge this January 1st.
1 second ago ( 2:43 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The people busting nuts in the Senate will abolish the Senate the first day that they get 51 seats. If the Democrats are keeping it out of hope that they can use it when they are in the minority, they are not worth to hold the office of Senator.
300 filibuster this year ought to tell you that the minority party will use everything to oppress the majority party, and the leopard does not change his stripes when he is in the majority.
Mr Smith was a fictional movie character -- he never existed and the Senate he was in never existed. It was ENTERTAINMENT.
If the DEMOCRATS will not abolish the Filibuster, then the activists in this country need to elect 51 REPUBLICANS. One way or the other, we are getting rid of that filibuster.
Pick your date Harry Reid: 2013 or 2015. The FILIBUSTER IS DEAD. Get used to majority rules.
It takes 50% plus one vote to get elected Senator. Those ought to be the rules to pass the people's laws. Yeah, losing sucks, so don't lose and you never need to mourn being the minority party that has to DEAL to get what you want some of the time.
1 second ago ( 2:50 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Mitch McConnell was not elected to serve the people. He was elected to serve his paymasters who elected him.
The WORD "FILIBUSTER" means "A mercenary soldier hired to fight battles, including kill or be killed, on behalf of his rich patron who pays him". A filibuster is a hired gun.
A Senator is a hired gun. Senate decisions can mean war or peace and billions of expenses. Senators do kill people -- they put all those predator drones in the sky.
Politics is not for sissies. Put on your big boy pants and face facts. One loser party is vetoing everything the winner party wants to do, using the filibuster as a weapon.
Give McConnell 51 seats and he will not let a democrat minority filibuster him -- he would abolish the filibuster day one first change he gets.
1 second ago ( 9:21 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Boner has to say stuff. There's no telling how much he means anything yet. The rubber meets the road in five weeks. Two days before New years the unemployment compensation relief needs to be renewed. If that is held hostage it means something real and calculable.
On January on the CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES are scheduled to return. These tax rates created 22,000,000 new jobs under Bill Clinton and the deficit was shrinking and the budget was balanced five years in a row. After WRECKER BUSH suspended the prosperity with the ECONOMY-WRECKING TAX CUTS and drove business away and dumped millions into the unemployed rolls there's 28,000,000 looking for work.
Obama helped 5,000,000 get or keep their jobs while the PUBLICANS & MONEY-CHANGERS PARTY tried to oppose everything every time.
When the CLINTON TAX RATES return there will be govt money for unemployment and jobs programs and rebuilding infrastructure after hurricane Sandy.
Once we get at or past the FIRST of JANUARY 2013, then Boner's words can be judged as silly or serious.
1 second ago ( 9:37 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
There is no Cliff.
On January 1, 2013, the sunset of the Bush Tax Cuts happens automatically, just like the republicans voted into law on the day that they passed the tax cuts.
A CALENDAR is NOT A CLIFF. It's law occurring like it was designed to do. No CLIFF.
No DRAMA, No Hysteria, No crisis. The CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES return as they were always supposed to, and PROSERITY RETURNS TOO.
We saw the WRECKAGE that low taxes brings. WRECKER BUSH did the experiment. We have 28,000,000 unemployed. People lost 40% of their home values. People who once could afford homes are now renters instead.
Under the CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES, 22,000,000 NEW JOBS were created, People bought homes. Homes went UP IN VALUE.
The republicans did the experiment so EVERYBODY COULD SEE THE TRUTH -- TAX CUTS KILL THE ECONOMY!
1 second ago (10:03 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
I don't see any reason to give GIFTS to RED STATE COTTON FARMERS. Not one penny of the cotton subsidy goes to BLUE STATES. It's GIFTS to BUY VOTES in RED STATES.
GONE. Buy your cotton from India at world market prices for half the cost. Get rid of the RE STATE deadbeats.
Why are BLUE STATES subsidizing FEDERAL water projects for Arizona Deserts who VOTES RED? If RED STATE ARIZONA wants water, go to the supermarket and buy all you want, Perrier, Avion, any brand that you please. Just get your grubby thieving RED MITTS out of my pocket to pay for it.
GONE. Grow your subsidized cotton with FREE MARKET WATER.
1 second ago (10:55 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES return January 1, 2013.
Nobody has to do anything, and that will happen in 5 weeks. Hopefully, nobody will stop it.
Under Clinton people lived well after paying the Clinton Taxes. They could afford to buy homes. Homes actually WENT UP IN PRICE. People bought cars, the auto-makers were booming. 28,000,000 NEW JOBS were created.
Then WRECKER BUSH came in with his WRECKING TAX CUTS. Home dropped 40% in value. Millions of people were driven out of their homes by the Banksters. The Banks collapsed. The Auto-makers were in Washington begging for help. 28,000,000 went out of work, out of jobs.
We saw both ways on display for everybody in America to see with their own eyes.
WRECKER BUSH TAX CUTS destroyed a lot of the good things of America.
On January 1, 2013 the good times return.
People would rather live well after paying taxes than get an unemployment check which the GOP keeps cutting unemployment checks.
1 second ago ( 4:55 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Approve all of Obama's judges, confirm them, so the WRECKER BUSH STUFFED WITH FEDERALIST-SOCIETY BRIBE TAKERS is not the majority out there seeing and judging corporate cases.
Bush adviser C.Boyden Gray was co-founder of the FEDERALIST SOCIETY, and in 2001 he was CHAIRMAN of Koch Citizens For A Sound Economy (CSE). This TOBACCO fortune heir of RJ Reynolds money organized the CSE TAR HEELS TEA PARTY to throw tea bags and shout about tobacco taxes in tobacco-growing state North Carolina, August 19, 2001.
In 2002 RJ Reynolds Tobacco Guy, C. Boyden Gray, WRECKER BUSH Legal adviser, was organizing the CSE US TEA PARTY (Dot)COM website on CSE.ORG web server and mirrored on CSE.org website as "A Project of CSE Members" using tobacco covert funding. The USTEAPARTY.COM website was operating from 2002-2005, when CSE split into two.
In 2004-2005 CSE morphed into TEA PARTY ORGANIZERS and AstroTurf operators FREEDOMWORKS-CSE and AFP (Koch Americans for Koch Prosperity). Note that this TEA PARTY was way before America ever met Barack Obama.
Judges not beholden to FEDERALIST SOCIETY money laundered "speaker's fees" is needed.
2 seconds ago ( 2:28 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
When Jane Fonda visited Hanoi during the Vietnam war, she gave the North Vietnamese a major Propaganda Victory. John McCain was in prison then in North Vietnam for carpet bombing civilians from 20,000 feet altitude. They called Jane Fonda "Hanoi Jane" for that -- some still do.
Now John McCain is "Hanoi John McCain" for giving a major propaganda victory to the Benghazi assassination squad who killed four Americans in an ambush September 11, 2012.
Except for the high profile that Hanoi John gives them, these killers would sink into forgetfulness while those paid to hunt them down go secretly about their business. The hunting business is much impeded by Hanoi John's constant promotion in the media spotlight of the "success" of the killer squads, whom are promoted as local heroes and protected by the mobs as celebrities. The CELEBRITY STATUS is created by FOXy republicans trying to tear America apart because they failed to win two presidential elections in a row. Republicans have become Al Qaeda Annex in DC, the Propaganda Ministry of the Benghazi Assassins.
1 second ago ( 1:30 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
If there is no "Fiscal Cliff" then there is nobody to blame for it.
The republicans cut taxes under a law dictating the tax cuts would last no more than ten years. They planned them to sunset on the day that they passed the law. Republicans controlled all three branches of govt when they passed this law. Letting a law expire is NOT A CLIFF.
The republicans unfunded massive spending sprees. They created two wars (instead of sending in Seal Team Six to dispatch Osama Bin Ladin) and a massive VOTE-BUYING SCHEME, Medicare Part-D for old people who side with republicans. The unpaid bills for these spending sprees added up until the national debt doubled with another equal amount of increased debt stuffed in the pipeline to arrive after whomever won the election in 2008.
This is NOT A CLIFF. The EXPIRING TAX CUTS would pay down these deficits if the CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES were allowed to return exactly as scheduled.
The republicans then tried to skip out on paying the debts that they incurred with an extortion scheme over the "debt ceiling" which is called THE SEQUESTER. These are the automatic cuts that go into effect like clockwork on date certain that the republicans insisted and demanded and passed into law. This is not a CLIFF. It's a CALENDAR!
The Republican party is responsible for this "MESS" from start to finish, and deceivers are trying to muddy the waters with useless extraneous details.
2 seconds ago (12:27 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Boner once handed out Tobacco Company Campaign Donation Checks on the floor of Congress (Google it). Boner is against Healthcare because, in 1993 Hillary Clinton's healthcare plan was going to pay for sick smokers on the dole by taxing cigarettes, and the tobacco companies erected astroturf front groups to hate good health to fight for the Tobacco Companies rights to kill the.
Koch CSE (Citizens for a Sound Economy) was one of these well funded groups that fought Clintoncare 20 years ago. CSE created the "TEA PARTY", tested the "TAR HEELS TEA PARTY in the North Carolina (tobacco state) State Capitol Bldg, throwing around tea bags and shouting on August 19th, 2001 before anybody ever heard of OBAMA.
In 2002 the CSE website created the US TEA PARTY (DOT)COM on the CSE.ORG website as "A project of the members of CSE" and kept it going until 2005, when CSE morphed into FREEDOMWORKS-CSE and AFP (Koch Americans for Koch Prosperity).
Both FREEDOMWORKS-CSE and AFP opposed healthcare for no good reason other than they already had 16, 17, 18 years of doing it on behalf of tobacco companies.
The TEA PARTY created by tobacco mafia and Koch front groups keeps fighting for their right to die without healthcare.
1 second ago (12:52 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
There is no "Cliff".
The Bush Tax Cuts were set to sunset in ten years because by law anything that adds to the deficit cannot be law longer than ten years. YES, they knew the tax cuts were bad business on the day that they passed them, but they controlled all three branches of govt then, so they passed them.
The BUSH TAX CUTS expire, after one extension because the republicans put a gun to America's head with the DEBT LIMIT CRISIS they made up.
The Republicans planned this expiration.
The Republicans scheduled this expiration.
The Republicans passed into law this exact expiration.
Americans would rather pay taxes and live well than collect unemployment check and the republicans keep cutting unemployment checks.
Under Clinton America Prospered: 22,000,000 jobs created.
1 second ago (12:45 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
We need the money to rebuild America.
People would rather pay taxes and live well than have Somalia with no taxes at all..
If giving more money to companies created jobs, then the richest corporation, APPLE CORP, would have the most American Workers -- it's just lies told by liars to people who like to be lied to.
The CLINTON TAX RATES WERE NOT ONEROUS. People lived well and America created 22,000,000 new jobs.
ALL THE WRECKER BUSH TAX CUTS were gifts to buy votes by republicans who bought all three branches of govt with them.
1 second ago (12:39 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
People would rather pay taxes and live well than get unemployment checks that republicans keep cutting.
It's time Americans chipped in and collected the money to hire their 28,000,000 neighbors not working at all.
The elections are OVER. We can now go back to think of the pocket-lining corrupt southern hillbilly state Clintons as crooked self-interested opportunists.
This statement by Hilary obviously means she has a new income stream keeping the cartels profitable.