This is a record of censorship of left viewpoints expressed as comments on as responses to articles and other readers views. I may not get my speech freely there, but you can see what they have deleted by coming over here how much censoring that Huffington Post does. Some articles may look liberal over there but the "moderators" are not moderates -- they are hard right radicals who censor out people who disagree with them, skewing the comments and falsifying the public dialog.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Occupy Wall Street Has Been Occupied -- by Wall Street![]()
1 second ago (3:59 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The protesters may be a bunch of bozos, quixotically tilting at windmills, blissfully unaware of the extent of their inexperien ce and ignorance, BUT, they have demonstrat ed one message louder than ANY WORDS!
America is over. The Constitution has been so disrespect ed that it is beyond repair. The meaningles s "Freedom to Assemble to Petition the Govt for Redress of Grievences " is met with arrest and pepper spray whenever it might be sufficient ly disruptive to the 1% that it could possibly cause some changes in what is inflicting the grievences .
Obama has declared that his Homeland Security treats this as if these protesters are terrorist agents, and co-ordinates 18-city-ma yors phone conference on how to bust up the Petitionar s asking their govt to do the job it exists to do.
The Obama FBI conspires with lawbreaking police instead of arresting them for violent disruption s of Constituti onal Assemblies of peaceful but determined people.
YES, the OWS are inchoate near-morons who cannot articulate exactly how America democracy is being overthrown by the filthy rich, but they are not the ones overthrowi ng America.
Class Warfare,
Killer Koch Brothers,
Overthrow Democracy,
Rupert Murdoch,
Tobacco Mafia,
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Zuccotti Park Eviction: Court Order Against City Says Protesters Can Return With Tents In Tow (VIDEOS) minutes ago (3:25 PM)To all you OWS who are so upset over the millionaries in our country and feel the need to protest by sit-in's and carrying signs and banners, may I suggest some additional sites of greedy money hungry millionari es; the NFL, NBA , the National and American League players and the owners. Also let us not forget those money hungry millionari e Rap stars and Hollywood stars and what about all those greedy doctors and lawyers? The list is endless, so let's get going all you 99% there are new horizons to conquer. And I almost forgot about those greedy ABC, NBC and CBS millionari es and Apple, Google and etc. etc.
1 second ago (3:28 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Duh, they are already included in the 1%. Haven't you been paying attention? Rupert Murdoch, for example, owns Fox Newz but also owns the LA Lakers, and Rupert Murdoch was protested early and often. Haven't you been paying ANY attention at all?
It 's not the "rich" which is the target of the protests, but those using their riches to destroy America by corrupting the govt. The target is not ALL RICH PEOPLE, just the criminal bribers.
Class Warfare,
Overthrow Democracy,
Rupert Murdoch
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Herman Cain: I'm the victim here
Herman Cain: I'm the victim here;contentBodyLet's just say for the record (and CBS will not say it) that Mitt Romney was legally liable director for a company whom literally defrauded medicare millions of times for false medical tests. The company ended up paying $87,000,000 penalty for violations of law, plus repaid $35,000,000 stolen dollars to the govt. Romney was director on the Board overseeing this corporate "person" whom has no brain of it's own, and therefore needs directors to make the decisions whether to rob the US taxpayers or not. Romney and his criminal gang sold the company and took their "management fees" profit out before the theft was discovered, so the new buyers were on the hook for legal fines and restitution -- and Romney escaped a prison cell by THIS MUCH.
Cain has his own shady past, having demolished Aquila Energy while sitting on it's board, A large chunk of the workforce lost their jobs and the stockholders lost so much money that they sued Cain's board of directors for $10,000,000. CBS won't tell you that either.
CBS also will not tell you that Cain doesn't hire illegal Mexican laborers to build Maytag appliances for the company he is director of, Maytag-Whirlpool, because it's not illegal for Mexicans to work in Mexico, where Cain shipped 5,000 American jobs. For that stab in the back to America, Whirlpool paid their henchman $190,000 a year.
This is the same Cain who took $40,000 and $60,000 in cash and valuable goods from the Smoking-Guy Mark Bloch illegally transferred from PROSPERITY USA (which Block runs) to the Cain campaign (which Block also runs). CBS also will not tell you that the organized crime Koch Brothers illegally loaned ten high-wage employees of Koch-Americans for Koch-Prosperity to the Cain campaign and paid Herman $100,000 gratuity to drop by for a talk which has never been reported to the FEC as campaign donations.
Why is CBS stuck on the small C R A P? Well, you know, corporate news says nothing bad about white collar criminals.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Karen Kraushaar, Herman Cain Accuser, Goes Public With Sexual Harassment Allegations
1 second ago (6:48 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
OHHH, Jeeez, She works for the IRS which is looking into the HIGHLY ILLEGAL transfers of $40,000 and $60,000 funds and material goods transfer form the 501(c)(3) "charity" set up by Smoking-Guy Mark Bloch called "Prosperit y USA" to Cain's campaign, which Smoking-Gu y Mark Block also runs as chief of staff. Then there is the HIGHLY ILLEGAL loan of ten high-wage employees of Koch-Ameri cans for Koch Prosperity to the Koch-Emplo yee-Mark-B lock-run Koch-Emplo yee-Herman -Cain-Camp aign, which also pays Herman Cain $100,000 gratuity for dropping by and giving a talk.
I wouldn't want to be the black guy trying to win votes from the Dixie Tea-Klux-Klan after groping white women, but I especially wouldn't want to be him after calling an IRS woman a liar on National TV. Payback's a B I T C H, and especially one who you already paid $45,000 once! This time she has the real power.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Oakland Police Critically Injure Iraq War Vet During Occupy March
2 seconds ago (7:29 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The police need to remember it was the Killer-Koch-Brothers who funded the Tea-Party- Hatriots movement which included the HUTAREE branch of the Michigan Militia. The Hutaree planned to kill cops, them mad bomb the funeral procession further killing their families and friends. The Michigan Militia radicalize d the Oklahoma City Terrorist Bomber Timothy McVey, who targeted Federal Police and their daycare center in return for the Waco Branch Davidian raid that went after a child molester gun-runner .
The Killer Koch Brothers themselves operated CSE (Citizens for a Sound Economy) which put a $5,000,000+ a year budget into the hands of CSE-Treasu rer KKK-Tom_Po sey, state-spon sored-terr orist who was gunrunner to the terrorists who overthrew a democratic ally-elect ed government in Nicaragua using money stolen from the taxpayers of the USA selling arms to terrorist state Iran.
The police need to understand whose side they are on. CSE was folded into "Freedomworks" and AFP (Koch-Amer eicans for Koch-Prosp erity) whom created and puppetmast er the Tea-Party- Hatriots.
Class Warfare,
Killer Koch Brothers,
Overthrow Democracy,
Rupert Murdoch,
Tea-Party Emoticons,
Tobacco Mafia,
Media Ridicules Occupy Wall Street![]()
1 second ago (7:15 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Rupert Murdoch, the Tobacco-Mafia corporate Serial Killer from Philip Morris, owns Fox News and the NY Post and The Wall Street Journal. Of course those publicatio ns will be on the side of corporate organized crime hostile takeover of America, and throw wedges into any attempt to take the vampire fangs out of our necks.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Herman Cain's Abortion Comments Roil Iowa Republicans second ago (11:33 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Just GOOGLE "Herman Cain" Koch.
In 2004 Cain was destroying Aquila company in Kansas and getting sued for $10 million. In 2005, and ever since, Cain has been a dependent of Koch Brothers, Americans for Prosperity, where he ran around giving speeches and building the AFP and Tea Party astroturf Front Groups for the Koch. Google: Koch "Herman Cain" AFP.
Apparently, Herman does not object that his Koch bosses hired KKK Tom Posey (Google: KKK "Tom Posey") in 2004 as treasurer of the $5,000,000 budgeted CSE which split into Freedomwor ks and "Americans for Prosperity ", but the press ought to ask him about his opinion next debate.
The Kochs have been good to Herman Cain, as one Koch-Partner, (Google:Ko ch "Rich Lowrie") came up wuth the 9-9-9 Plan for Koch-Emplo yee Herman Cain. Another AFP dude, Koch-emplo yee Max Block (Google: AFP "Max Block" Herman Cain") has finished his ban from Wisconsin politics ordered by the courts for dirty tricks and can now serve as Cain's handler, er, I mean Chief of Staff. Koch has loaned between 6 to 9 other AFP staff to Cain for the time being.
Union-Busting Koch-Employee Herman Cain's Cronies' Wisconsin Dirty Tricks
Koch-Employee Herman-Cain of Koch-Americans-for-Koch-Prosperity
- Herman Cain on his knees worshiping the Big Koch (...
- Herman Cain on his knees worshiping the Big Koch (...
- Herman Cain on his knees worshiping the Big Koch
- Koch Industries Pollution Poison
- Tom-Posey, KKK, Koch Brothers, CSE
- Koch-Brothers | Koch-Industries Herman-Cain
- Koch Industries Cancer
- Koch Industries Cancer Causing Pollution
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Will President Obama Give an XL Handout to the Koch Brothers?
2 seconds ago (5:25 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Koch can't profit if they are DISBANDED as a Racketeer-Influenced -Criminal- Organizati on (RICO).
$288,000,000.00 fined is ENOUGH! STOP Koch Organized Crime.
Koch's have been fined $288,000,000.00 so far. At what point do you say ENOUGH! This evil corporatio n has murdered Americans and still is, while corrupting out govt. I don't need to fix everything -- I can fix ONE THING NOW!
$288,000,000 FINES: http://koc h-industri es-organiz ed-crime.b m/2011/10/ koch-indus tries-poll ution-pois on.html
$288,000,000 FINES: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/K och_Indust ries#Pollu tion_and_r esource_fi nes
$288,000,000 FINES: http://sun lightfound blog/2011/ 10/04/koch -industrie s-had-insi de-man-at- the-epa/
Koch's and Murdoch were engaged in 400,000 corporate serial murders per year, just in America, not counting the overseas divisions. The courts found GUILTY the organized crime tobacco mafia, of which the Koch-Murdoch-Axis were full-partn ers. The federal courts brought in a GUILTY verdict, of Racketeer- Influenced -Corrupt-O rganizatio n and Koch-Murdo chs were running the organizati on apparatus. Murdoch was Director on Board of Philip Morris and Director on Board of Cato Institute. Every Koch lie-factor y was part of the organized crime conspiracy .
Kochs were found, and admitted, to bribing French officials. What US officials has this totally RICO organized crime bribed? How about they funded lavish speaker fees to Supreme Court Thomas & Scalia while funding the CITIZENS UNITED in front of them. That's bribery by every definition known to man.
Class Warfare,
Killer Koch Brothers,
Overthrow Democracy,
Rupert Murdoch,
Tobacco Mafia
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Pizza Magnate Herman Cain Has Extensive Ties To Powerful Koch Group second ago (5:38 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
"Put the Killer Koch Brothers, heads of the Koch Organized Crime Gang, in handcuffs and make them do the perpwalk, and the 1-percenters will all sit up and notice and fear."
There is a concise one sentence demand of OCCUPY WALL STREET which gets to the heart of the problem and solves it, and it can be accomplished by the democrat Obama without any help from the Repugs. The pressure is on and the Koch-Murdo ch-Axis is going down.
http://koch-industri es-organiz ed-crime.b m/2011/10/ koch-indus tries-tea- party.html
Koch Industries Cancer Causing Pollution
http://koch-industri es-organiz ed-crime.b m/2011/10/ koch-indus tries-canc er-causing .html
Killer Koch Brothers -- Koch Industries Organized Crime Killed Danielle Dawn Smalley and Jason Stone.
http://koch-industri es-organiz ed-crime.b m/2011/10/ killer-koc h-brothers -koch-indu stries.htm l
Koch-Klux-Klan Tea Party
http://koch-industri es-organiz ed-crime.b m/2011/10/ koch-klux- klan-tea-p arty.html Links: Koch-Indus tries Tea-Party
http://koch-industri es-organiz ed-crime.b m/2011/10/ youtubecom -links-koc h-industri es-tea.htm l
The TEA PARTY is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Koch-Murdo ch Axis.
http://koch-industri es-organiz ed-crime.b m/2011/10/ tea-party- is-wholly- owned-subs idiary-of. html
David Koch - Evidence Of Direct Tea Party Link
http://koch-industri es-organiz ed-crime.b m/2011/10/ david-koch -evidence- of-direct- tea-party. html
Pizza Magnate Herman Cain Has Extensive Ties To Powerful Koch Group
Mmmmm, cancer-flavored-pizza, yum yum yum.
Koch Industries Cancer Causing Pollution
The Kochs and Cancer in a Small Town
One of the early storylines about Koch Industries involved its efforts to attack scientific evidence that formaldehyde causes cancer. It was first exposed by Kevin Grandia at DeSmogBlog last fall, and Jane Mayer’s seminal New Yorker story explored it as well. In short, while a member of George W. Bush’s National Cancer Advisory Board, David Koch was helping the Formaldehyde Council, a DC lobbying group, to question scientific research that the chemical could be lethal. At the same time, Koch co-owned Georgia Pacific, which uses formaldehyde extensively in its manufacturing operations.
Koch-Owned Georgia-Pacific Plant Linked To High Cancer Rates, Film Alleges
Huffington Post - Oct 13, 2011
WASHINGTON -- David Bouie, a 64-year-old resident of Crossett, Ark., says something isn't right on Penn Road. In the 15 homes on his street, 11 people have recently died of cancer. The casualties include George Parker and his wife, Ollie Parker, ...
Koch Industries Gave Thousands To Mike Ross While Poisoning His Constituents
Blue Arkansas (blog) - Oct 13, 2011
By ARDem Yesterday I wrote about Koch Industries' Georgia-Pacific plant in Crossett has been dumping pollution into the local river and exposing those in the town to deadly carcinogens. In a better world, the people in Crossett would have the ear of ...
Koch Industries plant linked to cancer epidemic in Arkansas community (video)
Facing South - Oct 12, 2011
A new video from Brave New Films is drawing attention to an unusual number of cancer cases and other serious health problems in an Arkansas community next to an industrial facility owned by Koch Industries. The Kansas-based oil and chemical ... EXPOSED: Koch Industries and Cancer Risk
USA: Koch Industries Indicted for Air, Hazardous Waste Violations
by Brian Hansen, Environment News Service -- October 2nd, 2000
Rand Paul Suggests Polluters Like The Koch Brothers Should Go To Jail
Sep 23, 2011 – Paul said people who pollute with benzene, a carcinogenic chemical, ... As it turns out, Koch Industries, the petrochemical conglomerate owned by ... and the Environment, residents face a high cancer rate and birth defects, ...
How the Koch Brothers Buy Influence in Washington
Apr 15, 2011 – Koch Industries is based in Witchita Kansas are in various sectors of ... 91 tons of Benzene which is a known cancer causing chemical from its ...
Koch Brothers Benzene Emissions - YouTube
Oct 4, 2011 – This video is a response to Koch Brothers Exposed for Cancer ... Here's what I don't understand - Koch Industries constantly breaks the law ...
Mmmmm, cancer-flavored-pizza, yum yum yum.
Koch Industries Cancer Causing Pollution
The Kochs and Cancer in a Small Town
One of the early storylines about Koch Industries involved its efforts to attack scientific evidence that formaldehyde causes cancer. It was first exposed by Kevin Grandia at DeSmogBlog last fall, and Jane Mayer’s seminal New Yorker story explored it as well. In short, while a member of George W. Bush’s National Cancer Advisory Board, David Koch was helping the Formaldehyde Council, a DC lobbying group, to question scientific research that the chemical could be lethal. At the same time, Koch co-owned Georgia Pacific, which uses formaldehyde extensively in its manufacturing operations.
Koch-Owned Georgia-Pacific Plant Linked To High Cancer Rates, Film Alleges
Huffington Post - Oct 13, 2011
WASHINGTON -- David Bouie, a 64-year-old resident of Crossett, Ark., says something isn't right on Penn Road. In the 15 homes on his street, 11 people have recently died of cancer. The casualties include George Parker and his wife, Ollie Parker, ...
Koch Industries Gave Thousands To Mike Ross While Poisoning His Constituents
Blue Arkansas (blog) - Oct 13, 2011
By ARDem Yesterday I wrote about Koch Industries' Georgia-Pacific plant in Crossett has been dumping pollution into the local river and exposing those in the town to deadly carcinogens. In a better world, the people in Crossett would have the ear of ...
Koch Industries plant linked to cancer epidemic in Arkansas community (video)
Facing South - Oct 12, 2011
A new video from Brave New Films is drawing attention to an unusual number of cancer cases and other serious health problems in an Arkansas community next to an industrial facility owned by Koch Industries. The Kansas-based oil and chemical ... EXPOSED: Koch Industries and Cancer Risk
USA: Koch Industries Indicted for Air, Hazardous Waste Violations
by Brian Hansen, Environment News Service -- October 2nd, 2000
Rand Paul Suggests Polluters Like The Koch Brothers Should Go To Jail
Sep 23, 2011 – Paul said people who pollute with benzene, a carcinogenic chemical, ... As it turns out, Koch Industries, the petrochemical conglomerate owned by ... and the Environment, residents face a high cancer rate and birth defects, ...
How the Koch Brothers Buy Influence in Washington
Apr 15, 2011 – Koch Industries is based in Witchita Kansas are in various sectors of ... 91 tons of Benzene which is a known cancer causing chemical from its ...
Koch Brothers Benzene Emissions - YouTube
Oct 4, 2011 – This video is a response to Koch Brothers Exposed for Cancer ... Here's what I don't understand - Koch Industries constantly breaks the law ...
Friday, October 14, 2011
Teachers Protest Rupert Murdoch At School Summit
Rupert Murdoch sold cigarettes to children while he was legally-liable DIRECTOR of Philip Morris Tobacco Mafia. Murdoch on the Board directed $75,000,000 advertising dollars to TV GUIDE, a magazine in many family households stuffed with Marlboro ads seen by children in the back page all day and every time they leafed through the pages looking for their show times. Murdoch sat on the CATO INSTITUTE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, and channeled some of the $16,000,000 "Project Whitecoats" science-fraud money through Cato and other Koch-controlled Lie Factories. Several TASSC corrupt science workers ("Whitecoats") were on the payroll of Cato, and have since moved to lying about Global Warming using the same RICO fraud techniques they used for the Tobacco Mafia.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Schumer: ‘We are going to be labeling tea party economics. Tea party double-dip recession. Tea party gridlock.’
Posted by Ezra Klein at 12:50 PM ET, 10/12/2011
Once again Ezra Klein allows the falsehood to slide by without correction, that there is something called a "Tea Party" separate from Koch-Murdoch-Axis control. The Tea Party is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Koch Industries, News Corp alliance forged when Rupert Murdoch was selling cigarettes to children through advertising them in his TV Guide extensively used by children, and Murdoch was paying Philip Morris millions to Cato Institute and other Koch lie-factories.
The Murdoch-Koch organized crime gangs have committed FELONY RICO FRAUD, convicted in federal court upon the paymasters of the tobacco MAFIA.. Not only are the exact same methods being employed in the Tea Party astroturf fraud which was used in the RICO Tobacco frauds when Murdoch was a legally liable director of CONVICTED FELON Philip Morris serial murder corporation, but some of the EXACT SAME PEOPLE are doing the TP frauds who did the PM frauds. Marlboro Man in the Ten Gallon Hat, Dick Armey was Citizen's for a Sound Economy ramrod before it morphed into Freedomworks which created the Tea Party structures.
The Koch name is The "Killer Koch Brothers". Google it, while you are googling Santorum. Killer Koch Brothers Killed Danielle Dawn Smalley and Jason Stone -- google it, pass it on. The Koch Industries is ORGANIZED CRIME -- Google Koch Industries Organized Crime -- said Bill Koch on 60 Minutes CBS in 2000 (Y2K) expose. Google it. Koch Industries Organized Crime Bill OR William Koch.
Killer Koch Brothers
Koch Industries Organized Crime
Pass it on. Santorum them.
"Put the Killer Koch Brothers, heads of the Koch Organized Crime Gang, in handcuffs and make them do the perpwalk, and the 1-percenters will all sit up and notice and fear."
There is a concise one sentence demand of OCCUPY WALL STREET which gets to the heart of the problem and solves it, and it can be accomplished by the democrat Obama without any help from the Repugs. The pressure is on and the Koch-Murdoch-Axis is going down.
Killer Koch Brothers -- Koch Industries Organized Crime
Why Do These Koch Industries Neighbors Have Cancer?
Wednesday 12 October 2011
The Koch name is The "Killer Koch Brothers". Google it, while you are googling Santorum. Killer Koch Brothers Killed Danielle Dawn Smalley and Jason Stone -- google it, pass it on. The Koch Industries is ORGANIZED CRIME -- Google Koch Industries Organized Crime -- said Bill Koch on 60 Minutes CBS in 2000 (Y2K) expose. Google it. Koch Industries Organized Crime Bill OR William Koch.
Killer Koch Brothers
Koch Industries Organized Crime
Pass it on. Santorum them.
Cancer In The Water: Koch Industries Killing Arkansans
Blue Arkansas (blog) - 14 hours ago... down in Ashley County, who have been exposed to heavy pollution being dumped into the local river by Georgia-Pacific, which is owned by Koch Industries. ...
Bloomberg report says 'Koch Brothers Flout Law, Getting Richer ...
WBEZ - 1 hour agoBy Worldview | Oct. 12, 2011 David Koch, executive vice president of Koch Industries, now finds himself in a storm of controversy. ...
Imperium Watch: Koch, The Real Thing
Valley Advocate - Stephanie Kraft - 22 hours agoKoch Industries, the financial power behind the Tea Party ... For decades one division or another of Koch Industries has been targeted by ...
Occupy Wall Street Allies Picket Upper East Side Billionaires ...
International Business Times - Jeremy B. White - 1 day ago... included News Corporation CEO Rupert Murdoch, Koch Industries vice president David Koch and New York Private Bank & Trust CEO president Howard Milstein. ...
Bloomberg Responds (Sort Of)
Power Line (blog) - John Hinderaker - 1 day agoBloomberg wrote that Koch Industries “flouted the law” by acting “in defiance of ... How did Bloomberg select Koch Industries as the subject of this story? ...
Film Shows Epidemic of Cancer Downstream from Koch Industries ...
Firedoglake - David Dayen - 1 day agoGeorgia-Pacific is owned by Koch Industries. In the video, the citizens of Penn Road, a residential neighborhood behind a channel into which the ...
New Film Exposes Connection Between the Kochs and a Small ...
AlterNet - Tara Lohan - 1 day agoBNF's most recent work, Exposed: Koch Industries and Cancer Risk, (which you can watch ... A Koch Industries subsidiary, Georgia Pacific is a plywood, ...
Koch Industries Lawbreaking History
The Fiscal Times - Asjylyn Loder - David Evans - 3 days agoIn May 2008, a unit of Koch Industries, one of the world's largest privately held companies, ...
Benzene Pollution,
Class Warfare,
Killer Koch Brothers,
Overthrow Democracy,
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Wall Street protests swell in N.Y.; 129 arrested in Boston
By the CNN Wire Staff
updated 2:13 PM EST, Tue October 11, 2011
Killer Koch Brothers KILLED Danielle Dawn Smalley and Jason Stone. Google it. Twin Brother BILL KOCH called Koch Industries "ORGANIZED CRIME". Google it. $55,000,000 paid by Killer Koch Organized Crime in FELONY CRIMINAL FINES. Get these people OUT OF AMERICA!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Occupy Wall Street Protesters Can Stay Indefinitely: Bloomberg
2 seconds ago (4:50 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The TEA PARTY was created and is controlled by the KILLER KOCH BROTHERS who killed Danielle Dawn Smalley and Jason Stone.
The Tea Party is allied with the Koch and Murdoch ORGANIZED CRIME GANGS, both involved with the CONVICTED RICO Racketeering Tobacco Mafia which serially murdered 400,000 Americans year.
It was the Tea Party Hutaree Militia who plotted top kill cops, and then blow up their widows and children at the mass funeral service.
It was the Tea Party who carried war weapons to presidential speaking dates.
It is the Tea-Klux-Klan who carried signs saying "We didn't bring our guns this time".
It is the Tea-Klux-Klan who oppose 45,000 Americans from getting Health Care in America.
The Tea-Klux Klan applauds killing an uninsured guy in a coma, and the murderous mob prevents the family of Terry Schiavo from pulling the plug. A pregnant corpse will be put on life-support for as long as it takes to have the fetus get it's right to life, but as soon as it's born they start killing it with poverty, school cuts, evil sadistic Tea Party.
Why the T.E.A. party isn't joining your cause. (User Submitted) wrote a pack of lies.
Koch ran a lie-factory called Citizens for Sound Economy for years. Then the Tobacco Mafia got felony prosecuted for RICO ORGANIZED CRIME FRAUD and Koch had to shred the evidence and fold a front operation. Jack Kemp was dying and the got him to turn over his mailing list of Empower America and merged it with the CSE mailing list, totaling about 800,000 dupes wiling to get spam from libertarian organized crime fraudsters and conservative-mimics.
Out of that mess they pulled four organizations built Frankenstein style from the corpse parts and named two of the Freedomworks and two of them Americans for Prosperity.
The Tobacco Mafia Malboro Man, Dick Armey, who was boss of the CSE lie-factory became boss of the new Freedomworks at $400,000 per year. This was 2004.
By 2008 they were itching to activate the dupes and suckers on that mammoth mailiong list so they created the T.E.A. movement at Freedomworks. Dick Armey was ramrod.
Back when Rupert Murdoch was selling cigarettes to children by sending $75,000,000 a year in Philip Morris ads to his TV GUIDE magazine where young kids waded through cigarette ads to find the showtimes of their programs, Murdoch was on the board of Directors of both Philip Morris and Koch-'s Cato Institute lie-factory. The Koch's worked with Murdoch's Tobacco Mafia science frauds and they were ready to get the whole organized crime gang back together for another brouhaha.
The Tea Party was invented. Murdoch used his media empire, especially Fox News, to promote it. Fox embedded reporters to give hours of free time worth literally millions of dollars of "in-kind" advertising, to the Tea Party Express Bus Tour, which ended up at Dick Armey's Freedomworks stage at Fox's Glenn Beck's 9-12DC rally.
At every little whistlestop they got a small handful of bored seniors to come out to the bus by using their mailing list with addresses and email and phone numbers, which Fox News magnified as if it was Jesus Sermon on the Mount and the Multitudes.
It was complete bogus crap, using suckers and hucksters to create a media mirage.
The TEA Party was trademarked at the US office of trademarks by a small group of four long-time republican activists and Koch associates. Freedomworks funded every small tea party group and Americans for Prosperity did membership drives on behalf of Koch's growing mailing list.
Koch has learned to create many front operations. The Americans for Prosperity is home of over 400 websites on the AfP servers, most not identified as controlled by Koch or AfP but many others state an AfP ownership.
Koch is Organized Crime. The Tea Party is wholly owned and completely controlled by the Koch and hired operatives. Those independent cells of TP are powerless and impotent -- they are dupes caught up by Madison Avenue magic smoke and mirrors.
What part of 99% don't you understand?!? (User Submitted)
Well, then, let's bump it up to number one, once again.
I have some nice maps of the Wall Street history generated with Google Maps application. If you are in the neighborhood of WALL STREET be sure to do some Merchants of Death Tourism...
View Merchants of Death in a larger map
25 Broadway -- Samuel Pryor, Remington Arms, Cunard Building -- MAP to Merchants of Death
26 Broadway NYC -- Standard Oil Building -- MAP Merchants of Death
39 Broadway, NYC -- MAP to Merchants of Death -- Prescott Bush, W.H. Harriman, Union Bank Company
23 Wall Street -- JP Morgan & Co -- Merchants of Death
120 Broadway -- American International Corp, 1917
112 Wall Street -- Cuba Sugar Cane Corporation -- 1914-1945 Merchants of Death
I have some nice maps of the Wall Street history generated with Google Maps application. If you are in the neighborhood of WALL STREET be sure to do some Merchants of Death Tourism...
View Merchants of Death in a larger map
25 Broadway -- Samuel Pryor, Remington Arms, Cunard Building -- MAP to Merchants of Death
26 Broadway NYC -- Standard Oil Building -- MAP Merchants of Death
39 Broadway, NYC -- MAP to Merchants of Death -- Prescott Bush, W.H. Harriman, Union Bank Company
23 Wall Street -- JP Morgan & Co -- Merchants of Death
120 Broadway -- American International Corp, 1917
112 Wall Street -- Cuba Sugar Cane Corporation -- 1914-1945 Merchants of Death
What part of 99% don't you understand?!? (User Submitted) are insane. There has never in world history ever been a united 99% against the top 1%. There never will be except in your drug addled mind.
You don't need everybody. You need enough. ENOUGH.
We are in a pickle because the rich are overthrowing America. They call their side "Conservatives" and they hire or dupe gullible people to work for them, sometimes for money, sometimes for free.
Liberals is what they call everybody they have painted a target onto.
You are stupid if you think there is a cease fire because you set up a tent city in a park downtown Manhattan.
The rich intend to take everything you own. They are fortunes descended from tobacco slave plantations, descended from pushers of the opium wars, descended from Merchants of Death. The ultra rich made the Roman empire of lords and slaves last 800 years. Only a fool thinks these people would not kill them when they have exported wars planet wide.
Exxon-founder John Rockefeller hired assassins to break unions in 1912, 1913, at Paint Creek, Cabin Creek coalfield's strike in West Virginia. In 1913 he sent those same assassins equipped with four machine guns to Ludlow Colorado. On April 19th, 1914 his hired death squads poured machinegun fire an firebombs into a tent city similar to yours -- killing 19 children, women and men in the LUDLOW MASSACRE.
Rockefeller's HQ was 26 Broadway just a few blocks from where you are. Across the street at 25 Broadway the family business of Remington Arms stuffed 4,000,000 military rifle rounds into the hull of the SS Lustania, making it a legitmate target of war.
In 1926 at 37 Broadway young Prescott Bush was put in charge of nazi funder Fritz Thyssen's bank used for moving gold to Germany to aid the Furher's rise to power. Young Bush used to go home, get drunk and beat his son George Herbert Walker Bush, molding him into what he became.
George Herbert Walker, who put the Dubya in the middle name of two president Bushs had his office a 2 Wall Street. Walker and Prescott's boss Harriman were on the board of the Hamberg-America shipping line, the same company that operated the SS St Louis, Voyage of the Damned, that sent a hip of Jews back to Europe. Prescott ran the Silesia-America company that operated Thyssen's coal and steel mining at Auschwitz. The Rockefellers had multiple contracts with IG Farben, and 26 Broadway was the HQ of Satandard Oil's pact with the nazis, convicted of Trading with the Enemy in 1942, but given a token slap on the wrist because Standard Oil was to big to flail. 120 Broadway was headquarters for American International Corporation (AIC) which is the parent to AIG who crashed the economy this latest time. 120 Broadway was also the offices of Leo T. Crowley who was the Property Custodian for the Enemy Agent Act, who confiscated 26 nazi businesses from George W Bush's grandfather Prescott at 37 Broadway in 1942, eight months after Pearl Harbor. It was all very polite as Crowley was on the payroll of IG Farben's American office and was paid by Sullivan and Cromwell lawyer John Foster Dulles, who was also Bush's lawyer.
You don't ignore history just because you just got here. This planet has a history and there are some very evil people breathing the same air as you. The first lesson that you need to learn is the definition and symptoms of sociopathy. One in 25, 4% are sociopaths, and that includes some sleeping under tarps in the park.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
11 Facts You Need To Know About The Nation’s Biggest Banks
A: they are vulnerable: they killed Danielle Dawn Smalley and Jason Stone, so you can call them THE KILLER KOCH BROTHERS. A family owned corporation is identical with it's owners -- there is no separation. The corporation does what the owners command, and nothing they don't want.
B: A TWIN BROTHER called Koch Industries ORGANIZED CRIME on CBS TV, 60 Minutes, "Blood and Oil", and they have been fined $55,000,000 CRIMINAL FELONY FINES. You can call them Killers, and call them Organized Crime as much as you want, thereby making them radioactive to get near.
C: They joined with Rupert Murdoch in FELONY FRAUD R.I.C.O. crimes of the Tobacco Mafia, which has been proven in court, with felony conviction of the seven Tobacco Mafia companies. They killed 400,000 Americans per year with their science frauds.
D. They fund ALEC to make states voter repression of racial minorities and thus are violating the Civil Rights Laws.
E. They fund the FEDERALIST SOCIETY which openly bribes Supreme Court Judges, and they also launder bribes through Ginny Thomas.
F. They own a bank outright, which facilitates secret money transfers around the world. By definition,"Bank Secrecy Laws" protect bank secrecy of persons known to have committed felony law violations
G. They funded and created the astroturf TEA PARTY movement, own the logo, controlled the media, controlled the stage and controlled the microphone at the Koch-Murdoch-Axis "9-12dc" Tea Party Show in Washington D.C. promoted by Murdoch's Glenn Beck and Fox News. They launder money to Tea Party funding of events through Freedomworks and Americans for Prosperity, and control so-called-grassroots "The National Tea Party Federation."
H. The Bloomberg story had other crimes and facts listed.











Class Warfare,
Killer Koch Brothers,
Rupert Murdoch,
Tea-Party Emoticons,
Tobacco Mafia,
Saturday, October 8, 2011
"Put the Killer Koch Brothers, heads of the Koch Organized Crime Gang, in handcuffs and make them do the perpwalk, and the 1-percenters will all sit up and notice and fear."
There is a concise one sentence demand of OCCUPY WALL STREET which gets to the heart of the problem and solves it, and it can be accomplished by the democrat Obama without any help from the Repugs. The pressure is on and the Koch-Murdoch-Axis is going down.
There is a concise one sentence demand of OCCUPY WALL STREET which gets to the heart of the problem and solves it, and it can be accomplished by the democrat Obama without any help from the Repugs. The pressure is on and the Koch-Murdoch-Axis is going down.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
News International Faces At Least Sixty Phone Hacking Claims, With More To Come
News International Faces At Least Sixty Phone Hacking Claims, With More To Come
Rupert Murdoch was DIRECTOR on the Board of Directors of Philip Morris Tobacco Company. He was legally liable for the felony crimes that convicted R.I.C.O. Organized Crime racketeers of Philip Morris on his watch. Murdoch steered $75,000,000 advertising contracts every year to his TV guide weekly magazine filled with cigarette ads and coupons seen by every child looking up when Barney the Dinosaur or Sesame Street was on. 400,000 Americans were serially murdered every year by the Tobacco Mafia 50 year felony fraud deception operation. The TASSC criminal science fraud operation was created by Philip Morris corporation, and Murdoch authorized the secret payments laundered through law firms for "client confidentiality". In one year alone $16,000,000 was authorized for Project Whitecoats which was paid to his employees, like Junkman Steve Malloy and S. Fred Singer.
When Philip Morris was CONVICTED of FELONY CRIMINAL ACTS, the organized crimelord Murdock hired Geoff Bible and other Philip Morris executives who were directly responsible for widespread felony frauds at large raises in pay as new NEWS CORP executives.
You can google everything I said for verification.
::: Rupert Murdoch Director of Philip Morris Tobacco Company
::: Rupert Murdoch Tobacco
::: Rupert Murdoch Tobacco Cato Institute Koch
::: Rupert Murdoch Tobacco Koch Tea-Party
::: Rupert Murdoch Tobacco News-Corp Bible
It ONLY TAKES TWO felony crimes in a ten-year time period to become a R.I.C.O. ORGANIZED CRIME case.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Ron Paul's Ex-Campaign Manager's Death Backdrop For Health Insurance Position
1 second ago (12:35 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
There is ZERO DIFFERENCE between church charity and govt charity. In both cases people input into a pot, a fund, and needy persons are helped by the fund. Anybody in favor of church charity should be in favor of govt charity -- it's the same people giving and the same people receiving. There WAS A TIME that the church was the govt, and the SAME PEOPLE who hate the govt now want a return to those days. The church is NOT more efficient, not even more moral -- they are just tax-dodging freeloader parasites sucking on gullible people.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Koch Brothers Blast Obama, Talk 2012 Strategy At Secret Fundraising Meeting
1 second ago (3:25 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
William Koch, Twin-Brother to David Koch, born moments apart from the same birth canal, called Koch Industries "ORGANIZED CRIME" on CBS "Blood & Oil" segment on 60 Minutes national TV.
Google: Koch Industries Organized Crime CBS.
Google: Koch Industries Criminal fines Department of Justice.
They are ORGANIZED. They have been fined $55,000,000.00 CRIMINAL fines for polluting soil, water & air in six American states. They are ORGANIZED CRIME by the definition of the laws.
Koch Industries is a family-owned business, controlled and directed by brother Charles Koch and David Koch. Koch Industries is the Koch Brothers, and the Koch Brothers is Koch Industries -- they are synonyms for each other.
Koch Industries was charged for negligent manslaughter for the death of Danielle Dawn Smalley and her boyfriend. The family of the boyfriend settled out of court, but the jury of regular Americans who viewed the evidence and heard all the facts awarded $393,000,0 00.00 to the Smalley family for the death of Dawn. These are the Killer Koch Brothers. Just like OJ Simpson might have been a movie actor, commercial pitchman, and football player, he is known as a the Killer OJ Simpson because one act wipes out everything else, so too are the Killer Koch Brothers defined by the killing of Danielle Dawn Smalley which no amount of money can undo.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Why Rick Perry's Moratorium Proposal for the EPA Is a Bad Idea
0 minute ago (7:27 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Soft-on-criminal-pol luters, Bachmann-P erry want to take the EPA cops off the beat because their paymaster puppeteers the Killer Koch Brothers (killed Danielle Dawn Smalley, google it) got fined $55,000,00 0 federal CRIMINAL fines for polluting six American states air, water and soil. Let's see, they are ORGANIZED and convicted of CRIME, and even David Koch's own twin brother Bill called Koch Industries "ORGANIZED CRIME" on CBS TV. (Google CBS Koch Organized Crime.)
So Bachmann is on her knees to the Koch Brothers, and Rick Perry is on his knees to Koch Industries. So they want to defnd the federal cops who once tried to put the Koch Brothers in prison for life until Bush's Attorney General Ashcroft dropped the charges and buried the case.
Richard Mourdock, Tea Party Candidate, Not Quite Sure How Tea Party Started
It could help if YOU got your facts checked. The "Tea Party" was some buzz by mostly Republican activitists who wanted a new brand because the old Republican brand was so tarnished. They were going nowhere, ever, except that the Rupert Murdoch, Koch Brothers Axis was looking for a wedge into the Republican party which they could control.
Murdoch mouthpiece Glenn Beck created a "912 DC Rally" funded by the och brothers Freedomworks and Americans for Prosperity. The whole thing was tested in April of that year with local "tea party" rallies which were amplified and magnified by Murdock's Fox News media empire.
The Koch brothers had assembled a 400,000 name mailing list which included phone numbers and emails over several decades, principally through "Citizens for a Sound Economy", but als through "Reason Foundation" and "Cato Institute" which they hold absolute domination. They mergered dying Jack Kemp's "Empower America" email-phone-address list, when CSE split in two in 2004 and became Freedomworks and AFP. This gave them access to nearly 800,000 names, phone numbers and email addresses.
They already owned auto-dialing computers capable of making mass pre-recorded phone calls, called robo-callers, and they already were used to mobilizing campaigns of easily deluded people through whipping up support for the tobacco mafia through "smoker's freedom" front groups.
Buying a bus was easy -- Koch's already had a fleet of buses and even hot air balloons touring the country, getting free publicity from every whistlestop local newspaper starved for anything out of the ordinary. Who exactly put up the money for the "Tea Party Express Bus Tour" will never be certain without subpoena power, but the bus had embedded Fox News reporters and was given literally hours of Fox stations coverage. A controversy erupted when a Fox producer was videoed orchestrating fake "spontanious applause" at one of the whistlestops, and a clip may still exist on or Media
The Tea Party Express ended up at the Koch-controlled stage at Murdock's-Beck's 9-12DC rally. Simultaneous local rallies were orchestrated around the country and were magnified by Murdock's Fox media.
There was no "Howard Beall" "Network" (1976 movie) shouting something like we're mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore. It took lots of employees spending billionaire cash to create the Koch-Murdoch wing of the Republican Party with the Tea Party brand lable.
If you are no good at investigating the NEWS, especially manufactured "News" from organized crime gangs who have paid $55,000,000 in CRIMINAL pollution fines and sent their top editors to prison for phone hacking CRIMES, then I suggest you get a different form of career.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Dear Wisconsin Friends...
Dear Wisconsin Friends...
0 minute ago (4:11 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Union Rights were not won easily. In 1877 Exxon-founder went to war with Tom Scott of the Pennsylvan ia Railroad, and the workers were squeezed in the relentless war on labor that ensued. 2000 people were killed in that real war with real bullets called "Labor Unrest of 1877". (google it.)
Exxon-founder family sent in the death squads of the Baldwin-Fe lts hired-thug s agency in 1912-1913, covered over by the fiction that the Paint Creek, Cabin Creek mines was owned by the Pratt company that was headquarte red at 26 Broadway and had been covertly bought out by Exxon-foun der decades earlier. Strikers were assassinat ed and nobody ever prosecuted .
In 1914 the Baldwin-Felts goon with four machinguns and their trademarke d armored car were moved to Ludlow, Colorado to destroy the strikers camp of the miner families evicted from company housing. For four hours on April 19th they poured lead and firebombs onto the family tents, killing 19 children, women and men. Exxon-Rock efeller and his goons were protected by govt from prosecutio n, although a couple of strikers were prosecuted .
Class Warfare,
Killer Koch Brothers,
Monday, August 1, 2011
The Democrats May Have Lost Now, But They Can Win Later (Unless They Also Lose Later)
11 minutes ago (2:11 PM)I think you're missing some obvious pieces to this, Mr. Linkins. In 2010, Republicans held extended unemployme nt benefits hostage, but those will already have expired by 2012. The economy was worse than it will likely be in 2012. The elections will be over in 2012, as well, so Democrats can do nothing and let taxes go up without an immediate electoral impact (i.e., they can credibly threaten to do this then). Finally, even if Republican s win the election in 2012, they aren't likely to have a supermajor ity in the Senate, so Mitt Romney won't be able to reinstate the Bush tax cuts after they take office.
0 minute ago (2:32 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
EXCEPT: you think that repiggies won't eliminate the filibuster on day one of grabbing the Senate if they have the White House and the House of Representatives. They are not stupid like Harry Reid -- they know that USING POWER is more important than HAVING POWER. A minority of the govt just hijacked America with a gun to our heads and forced the Senate and the White House to kowtow to the Koch-Wing of the Repiggie Party. Why do you think they will do LESS if the minority gets a majority?
Friday, July 29, 2011
Can you say "GOP TUESDAY STOCK MARKET CRASH"? Can you say it 1,000 times in comments to the editors and in verbal conversations?
Repiggies need to know the coming STOCK MARKET CRASH is 100% their fault. All it takes is A ONE-LINE DEBT CEILING BILL to avoid a crash. Any other result is a GOP-gun-to-America's-head.
The coming STOCK MARKET CRASH on GOP TUESDAY Will cut billionaire's wealth in half, and the GOP is to blame for that, the GOP TUESDAY STOCK MARKET CRASH.
The GOP wants the STOCK MARKET CRASH on TUESDAY, and they own it. It is named for them and what they did -- the GOP caused the STOCK MARKET CRASH on TUESDAY.
Repiggies need to know the coming STOCK MARKET CRASH is 100% their fault. All it takes is A ONE-LINE DEBT CEILING BILL to avoid a crash. Any other result is a GOP-gun-to-America's-head.
The coming STOCK MARKET CRASH on GOP TUESDAY Will cut billionaire's wealth in half, and the GOP is to blame for that, the GOP TUESDAY STOCK MARKET CRASH.
The GOP wants the STOCK MARKET CRASH on TUESDAY, and they own it. It is named for them and what they did -- the GOP caused the STOCK MARKET CRASH on TUESDAY.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Growing evidence suggests hepatitis C can be transmitted sexually
The_Liann at 11:37 AM July 22, 2011Despite home-schooled Creation-Science followers of Mrssiah Sun Myung Moon, evolution is all about the war of predatory parasites and the prey. Sexual procreation (which is totally unneeded by aphids whom are born pregnant) was invented by life to evade constantly adapting parasites (transmissible diseases).
The human brain has likewise evolved to facilitate the conquest of diseases. Unfortunately, the predatory churchmen have infected their prey with lethal memes, causing the infected to not use their brains to promote universal healthcare and social control of escalating healthcare costs. The prey whom are mentally weakened by the lethal infectious memes actually vote to prevent safe sex education on televisioon and in schools, and actively fight against funding for sexually transmitted disease clinbics and cures.
Monday, July 18, 2011
The Politics of Murdoch
0 minute ago (4:32 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Rupert Murdoch sat on the Board of Directors of Philip Morris Tobacco Company during a known exact span of time. The directors direct the company and are LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE for corporate criminal behaviors. During the Murdoch reign of directing the tobacco mafia serial murder corporatio n Murdoch directed that $75,000,00 0 per year be diverted to advertisin g in the pages of Murdoch-ow ned TV-Guide, where families let their children look up the broadcast times of Sesame Street and Barney the Dinosaur. During the time of Murdoch's directing the serial murder corporatio n it committed thousands of felony violations of federal laws, for which it was convicted in US Federal Court. Therefore, the LEGALLY RESPONSIBL E directors committed those crimes over an extended period of time which includes the entire tenure of Rupert Murdoch. Among the RICO Organized Crime Racketeeri ng acts directed by Rupert Murdoch was the secret Swiss bank numbered accounts payoffs of felony fraud science deceptions which deceived smokers into their graves -- 3,000 Americans were tricked to death every single day that Rupert Murdoch directed the organized crime tobacco mafia company. When the trials were over, Rupert Murdoch hired at raises in pay serial murderer top executives from the PM company into his News Corpse RICO organizati on. This is not whether Murdoch hacked a dead girl's voicemail -- Rupert Murdoch himself attempted to murder that girl with cigarette addiction through advertisin g to kids in TV-Guide to replace the 3,000 killed today and the 3,000 who will be killed tomorrow.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Larry Flynt: Rupert Murdoch went too far
By Larry Flynt, Published: July 15
Let us be VERY VERY CLEAR. Rupert Murdoch sat on the Board of Directors of Philip Morris Tobacco Company during a known exact span of time. The directors direct the company and are LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE for corporate criminal behaviors. During the Murdoch reign of directing the tobacco mafia serial murder corporation Murdoch directed that $75,000,000 per year be diverted to advertising in the pages of Murdoch-owned TV-Guide, where families let their children look up the broadcast times of Sesame Street and Barney the Dinosaur. During the time of Murdoch's directing the serial murder corporation it committed thousands of felony violations of federal laws, for which it was convicted in US Federal Court. Therefore, the LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE directors committed those crimes over an extended period of time which includes the entire tenure of Rupert Murdoch. Among the RICO Organized Crime Racketeering acts directed by Rupert Murdoch was the secret Swiss bank numbered accounts payoffs of felony fraud science deceptions which deceived smokers into their graves -- 3,000 Americans were tricked to death every single day that Rupert Murdoch directed the organized crime tobacco mafia company. When the trials were over, Rupert Murdoch hired at raises in pay serial murderer top executives from the PM company into his News Corpse RICO organization. This is not whether Murdoch hacked a dead girl's voicemail -- Rupert Murdoch himself attempted to murder that girl with cigarette addiction through advertising to kids in TV-Guide to replace the 3,000 killed today and the 3,000 who will be killed tomorrow.
It should be pointed out that Rupert Murdoch was also director during a known exact specific span of time, of Charles Koch co-founded Cato Institute, sitting on the Board of Directors and legally responsible for crimes of the corporation in a char at the table with David Koch, co-director of Cato. It was during this time that Junkman Steve Moaloy, whom was involved in felony frauds for the PM company, and employed by Cato Institute paid with Philip Morris felony fraud money, began broadcasting on Fox News channel. The Koch brothers are organized, and they have been fined $55,000,000.00 (yes, that is $55 MILLION DOLLARS, with an M) in criminal fines for poisonng the air, waters and soils of six of the United States. The Koch Brothers have used their front organizations for tobacco frauds as proved in multiple Federal courts, and have usually had a Philuip Morris Vice President on the oard of Directors of Cato Institute (besides also Rupert Murdoch directing). David Koch's Reason Foundation had American Tobacco Company-heir Gordon Gray on the board of directors. The Koch Brother RICO racketeering operations are found to be deeply involved in the tobacco mafia serial murders for decades.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Rupert Murdoch phone-hacking scandal: US connections grow
Murdoch is involved with another corruption scandal: his cigarette mafia past. The Marboro Cigarettes Man, Murdoch oversaw the Philip Morris Tobacco Company during a period when it was committing felony racketeering crimes. The corporation was convicted in federal court of RICO Organized Crime activities, including making corrupt payoffs for science frauds through numbered Swiss bank accounts in "Operation Whitecoats" to the tune of $16,000,000.00 in a sngle year's budget. Murdoch worked closely with the Organized Crime gang ($55,000,000.00 CRIMINAL FINES) the Koch Brothers, using Cato Institute, Reason Foundation, and Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE is now split into Freedomworks, and Americans for Prosperity).
Murdoch is involved with another corruption scandal: his cigarette mafia past. The Marboro Cigarettes Man, Murdoch oversaw the Philip Morris Tobacco Company during a period when it was committing felony racketeering crimes. The corporation was convicted in federal court of RICO Organized Crime activities, including making corrupt payoffs for science frauds through numbered Swiss bank accounts in "Operation Whitecoats" to the tune of $16,000,000.00 in a sngle year's budget. Murdoch worked closely with the Organized Crime gang ($55,000,000.00 CRIMINAL FINES) the Koch Brothers, using Cato Institute, Reason Foundation, and Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE is now split into Freedomworks, and Americans for Prosperity).
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Going After Michele Bachmann Ahead Of 2012 Has Its Risks
0 minute ago (6:46 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Since Michele Bachmann believes STRONGLY in obeying her husband, Marcus Bachmann is the real candidate in that family -- whatever he says, goes.
Since Husband Marcus Bachmann is the actual presidential candidate, it is his record, his qualificat ions, which need to be examined.
Both Marcus Bachmann and Michele Bachmann are schooled in Liberty University, bought out by false-mess iah Sun Myung Moon, both Bachmann's may be presumed "moonies" in faith and obedience. Moon believes in blind obedience of his followers, so Moon the Theocrat is actually the real candidate, since both Bachmanns can be considered his followers. The DISCOVERY INSTITUTE CREATION SCIENCE was produced to insert Moonist theology into public schools and both Bachmanns believe in Creation Science Moonist Theology, then Michele Bachmann is just a figurehead standing in for her messiah.
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The T.E.A. Party was prototyped by BIG TOBACCO in 1982, and continuous
In 1991 it was T.E.A. to stand for Tax Equity Alliance.
In 1994 it was Kentucky Tobacco Farmers throwing tobacco stalks in the river, as their Boston Tea Party.
In 2001 Tobacco Serial Killers hired Koch Citizens For A Sound Economy to test-marke
(Note: John Locke Foundation
In 2002 through 2005, website mirrored the website of "usteapart